Take a long breath to hide your tears and mourn the hardships of people's lives. Although I am good at trimming my hair, I am embarrassed by it and I am eager to change it. This is both a pity for Yu and a petition for it. For the ideal cherished in my heart, I will not regret it a thousand times. The resentment of practice is mighty and will never be seen by the people. Many women are jealous of Yu's beauty. They say Yu is good at prostitution. It is wise to stick to the rules, but correct your mistakes according to the rules. Chanting rope ink chasing songs, competing with Zhou Rong. I am so depressed and poor at this time. I'd rather die in exile, but I can't bear it. Raptors are not crowded because of their previous lives. How can I be happy and how can I make my husband live a stable life? Curse your heart, suppress your ambitions, but be particularly tolerant and angry. Be innocent, die straight, and be thicker than the former sanctuary.
Regret not keeping the way, and it will be reversed after a delay. I can't get back to the road until I get back to my car, and the journey is not far away. After a long walk, the horse arrived in Xi, Gao Lan, and Pepper Mountain didn't stop. I'll leave you if I can't get in. If you retreat, you will resume your first service. Making lotus is making clothes, and picking hibiscus is making clothes. I don't know. It's embarrassing. I feel like I believe it. High risk is at stake, and Pei is far away. Fang and Ze were mixed, but they didn't lose. If you suddenly swim back, you will see four shortcomings. Pei is colorful, not a badge. People's livelihood has its own joy, and I am used to it. Although my body has not changed, I can't punish my heart.