The full text of In the Garden of Eden is quick! Come on! Go, go, go. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

God created man with his right hand, and the angel cried, "Give him wisdom", and he got wisdom, "Give him heart", and he got heart, "Give him name", and he is Adam.

A little profit

Adam ran around the empty garden naked. He spent decades looking for happiness and found a talking mouse. After that, they chased and played with each other, but they couldn't eat the fruit of the tallest tree in the Garden of Eden. God says it's forbidden fruit, and people will get bored if they eat it. Adam watched the red fruit fall from the tree, rot and disappear.

The talking mouse said to Adam, "Hey, silly boy, do you know that there is a woman in this world?" Adam looked at the mouse gnawing at the bark in horror and said, "There is only one kind of person in the world, and one person is me-Adam."

"Come on, I overheard God say that you can create a woman with only one rib."

Adam was silent.


"God, do you care about your children?" Adam asked.

"Well, I love everything with my broad love, including my children!" God hid his left hand and stroked Adam's hair with his right hand. Adam said eagerly, "Give me a woman! I need to be happy, and I need another person to listen to my interesting stories in the garden. " God sighed, reached out his left hand and took out one of Adam's ribs. He looked at Adam who fainted in pain and said sharply, "I won't let you get it." This will be my last anger. " With a wave of his left hand, there is no forbidden fruit, no blue sky and continuous rain in the Garden of Eden. But in the end, there was Eve.

Garden of Eden

"Eve, mouse, will I be a child of God? Why did he do this? " Adam asked, hungry and cold, shaking all over. "I think this is the price of your wish!" The mouse squatted on Adam's shoulder and said naughtily, "Who told you to show God's left hand of disaster?" Adam was silent again, and Eve pinched the clay on the clay figurine. When the mouse came back, there was a big red fruit on its back: "Adam, forget God and eat!" " You will be happy, Eve, and you will eat ... "

The heaven is in chaos, and there are many voices of human singing below. God still drew a lightning cloud with his left hand. Adam and Eve who ate the forbidden fruit roared at God: "You gave us wisdom and brains, and we will destroy your evil God in the same way." I want this day, I want to cover my eyes, I want this place, I want to bury my heart, I want everyone to understand my mind, and I want all the gods to disappear. "

Whether human beings are noble or not can be found when it is difficult.