The Book of Job is a prophetic poem. What are the prophetic texts?

The poem predicting the Messiah: "The following are the most obvious poems predicting the Messiah: the divinity of the anointed and his rule over the world (Psalm 2), the fact that man is in charge of all things because of Christ (Psalm 8), his resurrection from death (Psalm 16), his suffering (Psalm 22), his bride and eternal throne (Psalm 45), and his suffering (Psalm 8). 』

The prophecy in the Mass chapter: "You are my son, and I gave birth to you today." (Ps。 2.7. Acts 13:33). "Make everything subject to him" (Ps. Hebrews 2:6- 10). You will not leave my soul in the underworld, nor will you let your holy one see corruption. 16: 10. Acts 2:27). "My God, me, my God, why did you abandon me?" (Ps。 22: 1. Taierqi 46). "He has committed himself to the Lord, and the Lord can save him." (Ps。 22:8. St. Matthew 27:43). "They pierced my hands and feet." (Ps。 22: 16.20: 25). They divided my outer garments and cast lots for my inner garments. ”(Ps。 22: 18. About 19:24). "look, I'm coming ... my god, I'm happy to do your will. 40:7-8. Hebrews 10:7). "Even my intimate friends, people I trust, people who have eaten my meal, kicked me. "(poem 4 1:9. About 3: 18). "God, your throne is forever and ever. ”(Ps。 Hebrews 1:8). "Because I am full of anxiety about your temple. ”(Ps。 69:9. About 2: 17). "They gave me gall as food, and when I was thirsty, they gave me a drink. ”(Ps。 69:2 1. Taierqi 34,48). "May others get his job. "(poem 109:8. Acts 1:20). "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. "(poem 1 10:4. Hebrews 7: 17). The stone rejected by the builder has become the first stone in the corner. "(poem 1 18:22. Tai 2 1:42)。 "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. "(poem 1 18:26. Tai 2 1:9)。