The prophecy in the Mass chapter: "You are my son, and I gave birth to you today." (Ps。 2.7. Acts 13:33). "Make everything subject to him" (Ps. Hebrews 2:6- 10). You will not leave my soul in the underworld, nor will you let your holy one see corruption. 16: 10. Acts 2:27). "My God, me, my God, why did you abandon me?" (Ps。 22: 1. Taierqi 46). "He has committed himself to the Lord, and the Lord can save him." (Ps。 22:8. St. Matthew 27:43). "They pierced my hands and feet." (Ps。 22: 16.20: 25). They divided my outer garments and cast lots for my inner garments. ”(Ps。 22: 18. About 19:24). "look, I'm coming ... my god, I'm happy to do your will. 40:7-8. Hebrews 10:7). "Even my intimate friends, people I trust, people who have eaten my meal, kicked me. "(poem 4 1:9. About 3: 18). "God, your throne is forever and ever. ”(Ps。 Hebrews 1:8). "Because I am full of anxiety about your temple. ”(Ps。 69:9. About 2: 17). "They gave me gall as food, and when I was thirsty, they gave me a drink. ”(Ps。 69:2 1. Taierqi 34,48). "May others get his job. "(poem 109:8. Acts 1:20). "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. "(poem 1 10:4. Hebrews 7: 17). The stone rejected by the builder has become the first stone in the corner. "(poem 1 18:22. Tai 2 1:42)。 "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. "(poem 1 18:26. Tai 2 1:9)。