Colossians 1; Psalm 142

Colossians Chapter 1

The Position of Christ

Paul discusses the attributes of Christ at the beginning of Colossians. The Christ he revealed to the Colossians was first and foremost God over all. He is before all things, and all things were created for Him. He is also the head of the body of the church. He is the beginning, the first to rise from the dead, so that he may have the preeminence in all things. (Colossians 1:18) Secondly, Christ is also the God who reconciles the relationship with all things. Through the blood left on the cross, He allowed all things in heaven and on earth, and all sinners in the world, to establish a harmonious relationship with Him.

The reason why Paul emphasized the way of Christ first was because false teachers appeared in the church in Colossae to confuse the way of God and lead believers away from God. In the Colossian church, there were Jewish legalists who deliberately emphasized observance of diet, festivals, New Moons, and Sabbaths, some who worshiped angels, and some ascetics who obeyed "Do not handle, do not taste, and do not touch." These erroneous doctrines deny Christ’s position over all things and His harmonious relationship with all things. How can we distinguish paradoxical teachings? The premise is that we must clearly understand the truth, and faith can be built in the truth. This is inseparable from our diligent pursuit of the truth and the hard work we put in.

Psalm 142

Even if we feel faint in our hearts, God understands our future path. God is our reliance in everything, and He is never wrong. Thank you Lord!

Inspirational verses:

You were once alienated from God and were enemies in your hearts because of your evil deeds. But now he has taught you to be reconciled to himself through the death of his body, so that you may be sanctified and blameless and blameless before your presence. (Colossians 1:22)

You know my ways when my spirit faints within me.

(Psalm 142:3)