A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village.
In the misty and rainy Shan Ye, there are always lonely grave-sweepers who come and go under the drizzle, or in groups of three or five, supporting the old and taking care of the young, or one or two lonely shadows, limping along, going to sweep the graves for their deceased relatives. The distant mountains are hidden in the clouds, the trees near them are caged in front of solitary smoke, the bridges are flowing, the mountains are far away, the rain washes the grass, and the wind blows the willows. Pay homage to the ancestors and sprinkle a glass of wine in front of the monument to mourn. Looking around, I can only see a misty rain, but I can't see people and cooking smoke. Where can I get a pot of wine? Suddenly I saw a shepherd boy riding on the back of a green cow, playing a piccolo and coming leisurely. Going forward to inquire, the shepherd boy pointed to the Xinghua Village wine shop in the distance.