Looking at Qu Yuan, the poet's image is deeply rooted in readers' hearts. Qu Yuan adhered to the correct path of his predecessors, but unfortunately, he was alienated by Wang Huai and was not understood by the world. He just needs to "take a long breath to hide his tears." Although he was excluded and left out, although he was not understood, he still had no regrets when he recalled his original ambitions.
Although the road is bumpy and lonely, the poet's indomitable cynical will, determination to stick to the right path and unswerving lofty sentiment remain unchanged; The patriotism of boxing remains unchanged. Although he was exiled, although he knew that the traitor of Chu was in power and that the country would not be a country, Qu Yuan was always reluctant to leave Chu and travel far away.
When Qu Yuan was exiled, he described himself as haggard and haggard, singing by the Xiangjiang River. The fisherman asked him how he got to this point, and he said that it was cloudy and I was alone, and everyone was drunk and I was alone.
Qu Yuan's life was sad and depressed. He cares about the country and the people. He can die for the country and the people without regret. Li Sao is another masterpiece in the history of Chinese poetry after the Book of Songs, and its value is still of great significance to us today after more than a thousand years. Let us always remember such a great man as Qu Yuan.