Accidents like this are usually accidents, so it is really a very unexpected thing for us, because no one wants this kind of thing to happen on the plane, and no one wants this kind of thing to happen. So, an accident like confrontation really shocked us. For many people, this incident will make them afraid to continue flying, I think, just like this one.
Things that don't want to happen are generally things that no one wants to happen, because for many people, family is their hope and their expectation for the future. If this happens now, many families will lose their support, so this is the last thing we want to happen. We need to check and repair every flight to ensure the smooth flight.
So, I don't think anyone really wants this to happen. With the lessons of this incident, we must complete the maintenance of the aircraft in the future, especially seriously, because this is a problem related to the safety of many people, and we must pay attention to this problem.