When the Yellow Emperor has clothes, it is called Xuanyuan ". Xuan is an ancient car with a high front roof. It is a tent for people above doctors. There are various means of transportation in the Xia Dynasty, such as "land vehicles, water boats and mud sledges". In the Han Dynasty, a kind of "chicken cart" appeared in Sichuan, which was made of hardwood and was 4 feet long. Its frame is installed on both sides of a handcart and pushed by two handlebars supported by one person. Sometimes it can be pulled forward and pushed back to transport people and goods. During the Three Kingdoms period, when Zhuge Liang came out of Qishan, he invented the "Mu Niu Liu Ma" vehicle in Huanghe Town, Shaanxi County. It is a big step forward than the "chicken cart" and can climb the hill and cross the hurdle. The second change of "chicken cart" was in the Song Dynasty. At that time, it was called a "double car", which changed from one person to two people in front and back, two people on both sides holding crutches and pulling donkeys in front. The third change was in the Ming Dynasty, when an arched mat was added as the top to attract customers, which was called "double unicycle". The fourth revolution was in the Qing dynasty, when sails were added and the wind was skillfully used. "Chicken cart" later crossed the river and Huaihe River and spread to the Central Plains.
At the beginning of the 20th century, two-wheeled rickshaws appeared in cities as the main "passenger transport" tools. Rickshaws are divided into "road cars" and "street cars". The task of "road car" is "long-distance passenger transport"; The streetcar is dedicated to "running" and "short-distance passenger transport" in the city, which can run all over the city, but it also has a "stop", which is equivalent to the station where buses are put in now.
The history of human-powered passenger tricycles is not long, and it only appeared in the early days of liberation. Compared with rickshaws, it has taken a big step forward, and it can also be said that it has opened a new chapter in urban passenger transport. It is still a beautiful scenery for urban passenger transport, with convenient traffic, flashy downtown, more pleasing to the eye than cars, and quite popular with tourists.
Others are:
Bus double-decker bus double-decker bus long-distance bus, coach, bus taxi, taxi trolleybus tram, tram, underground tram, subway, subway train train boat, passenger ship, sailing yacht passenger ship charter passenger ship cabin hovercraft lifeboat civil aviation aircraft, plane, passenger plane flying jet, supersonic jet passenger plane, passenger plane medium-range aircraft propeller plane jet plane turbofan jet plane turbofan jet plane.