The original English lyrics of the hymn "amazing grace"

Amazing grace.

Amazing grace! What a sweet voice

Saved a poor man like me!

I was once lost, but now I have found it;

I was blind, but now I can see.

That's the grace that taught me to fear,

Grace eased my fears;

How precious that grace is

The moment when I first believed it!

Through many dangers, traps and traps,

I have come;

So far, this grace has brought me security,

Grace will take me home.

The Lord has promised me benefits,

I hope his words are safe;

He will be my shield and part,

As long as life exists.

Yes, when this body and mind fail,

Mortal life will stop,

I will have it within the veil,

A happy and peaceful life.

The earth will soon melt like snow,

The sun does not shine;

But god, he called me here,

Will always belong to me.

When we lived there for ten thousand years,

As bright as the sun,

We still have many days to praise God.

Better than when we first started.