Alas, I hope to die young; Shocked at the bad news, deeply grieved; Wen Jun died and the rivers stagnated; Wen Jun died, and the stars and the moon were dull; If you have spirit, listen to me cry; If you have spirit, enjoy my steaming; Hanging Wang Xue, in order to pay "operator"; Create a hegemony, sublime the Three Rivers; Hanging a young gentleman and expedition to Baqiu; Command a thousand troops and seek rebellion without worry; Hang your manners and be good to Xiao Qiao; The couple are virtuous and beautiful, and the story is fragrant; Hanging gentleman's spirit, remonstrating and resisting quality; Don't hang your wings at first, but you can finally put your wings up; Diaojun Poyang, Jiang Gan; Calm, generous and wise; Hangjun Cai Hong, founding and rejuvenating the country, attacking Chibi with fire and defeating the enemy; When I miss you, I am a hero; Cry for your early death, tears like pulp; Sadness is public respect, pity is public respect, and loyalty is the name of a hundred generations; The spirit of enduring heroic spirit; The sadder, the sadder; Frost in the dark; The three armies lost their handsomeness and burst into tears; The Lord mourned and lost the column; Even if you are clever, you can't be talented. Help Wu refuse Cao, help Han, and help horns. Life and death, why bother? Alas, I sincerely hope that life and death will be farewell forever, and the world is boundless. If the soul has a spirit, learn from my heart; From then on, where is the bosom friend?
In the Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan formed an alliance with Liu Bei, and * * * resisted Cao Cao. Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou, Wu Dong, to raise troops. Zhou Yu was deeply worried about this and sent Lu Su to Shu to get Jingzhou back. Lu Su returned empty-handed, saying that Liu Bei would ask for instructions for a few more years and would definitely return it after taking surprisingly. Zhou Yu was furious and decided to take Jingzhou with fifty thousand troops. In name, it was to help Liu Bei capture Xichuan, but in fact, it was to secretly attack Jingzhou and capture Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang alive. Zhuge Liang saw through Zhou Yu's trick and decided to give priority to the enemy. When Zhou Yu led the troops out of Jingzhou, the Han army lined up to meet him, and Zhuge Liang personally toasted Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu threw a glass on the ground and ordered the soldiers to catch Zhuge Liang. Zhuge suggested that Zhou Yu withdraw his troops as soon as possible, in line with the principle of alliance against Cao. Zhou Yu refused to listen and ordered Wu Jun to besiege Jingzhou. The two armies fought fiercely outside the city, and Zhou Yu was defeated and retreated to Luhuadang, where Zhang Fei ambushed. Zhou Yu was trapped in a quagmire and begged Zhang Fei for mercy to survive. Zhou Yu fled and retreated to Baqiu. Zhou Yu died of grief in Baqiu. Zhou Yu's wife Xiao Qiao suddenly heard the news of Zhou Yu's death and was heartbroken. Sun Quan sent a letter to avenge Zhou Yu, and Xiao Qiao and Dongwu generals demanded to send troops quickly. Only Lu Su advised everyone to beware of the alliance between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, and to think twice before you leap. Zhuge Liang crossed the river to pay his respects. Zhang ordered 1000 soldiers to ambush around the mourning hall, taking Xiao Qiao's cup as the number to capture Zhuge Liang alive. As soon as Zhuge Liang entered the mourning hall, he knew there was an ambush and told Zhao Yun to be careful. He knelt before Zhou Yu's tablet with tears in his eyes, offering sacrifices and praising Zhou Yu's exploits. Joe tried to get the cup several times, but Zhao Yun glared at him and withdrew his hand. Finally, Xiao Qiao secretly picked up a glass of wine, slammed it on the ground and was caught by Lu Su in his robe. When Xiao Qiao saw Zhuge Liang crying about his previous situation, he was deeply moved, and it was difficult to choose between life and death. Zhao Yun saw that the situation was critical and urged the strategist to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Zhao. Zhuge Liang righteously told Zhang that Cao Cao wanted to avenge Chibi for a long time. If you and I fight each other, wouldn't it be a gain for the fisherman? At this time, there was a sudden news that Cao Cao led hundreds of thousands of troops and was guilty of Jiangdong. The military situation is very critical. Zhang Zhao quickly apologized to Zhuge Liang and asked how to resist Cao. Zhuge Liang reiterated: abide by the Covenant of Chibi, strengthen the alliance between Sun and Liu, and make concerted efforts against Cao Bing. Zhang Zhao was overjoyed, so he invited Zhuge Liang to the courtyard to discuss Cao Zhi's plan.