1, Guan Guan Luo Gui, in Hezhou. A beautiful and virtuous woman is a good spouse of a gentleman. -"Guan Yu"
There is a pair by the river. Yes? Turtledoves are cooing. There is a lady. A young man is pursuing him.
2. I have been there, Liu Yiyi. The road is muddy and difficult to walk, and people are thirsty and hungry. -"Pick the EU"
When I left here, the willow shed tears.
I'm back now, and the snow has bent the branches. (Homesick warrior)
3. Peter picks Ge Xi. A day without seeing your face seems as long as March! He chose little Xi. I haven't seen you all day, Sanqiu. -"Picking Ge"
She went to collect vines. I miss her I can't see, and every day is getting longer than three months. She went to collect reeds. I miss her I can't see, one day is like three seasons. (I can't see her one day)
But as long as you climb a flight of stairs, you can broaden your horizons by 300 miles. -"At the Heron Hotel"
What about you? Is it okay? Enjoy? Answer? Great? Line of sight, by? Climbing a mountain? Where to? Answer? Greater? Height. (on the stock tower)?
Skills of translating English into Chinese;
In the process of English-Chinese translation, due to the different expressions between English and Chinese, some sentences can be translated word for word, while others cannot. Only after part-of-speech translation can translation be smooth and natural. We should pay attention to the application of part-of-speech translation skills from four aspects.
For example, translated into adjectives. Some abstract nouns used as predicative or object in English and nouns derived from adjectives can often be translated into adjectives in Chinese. In addition, when an English verb needs to be translated into a Chinese noun, the adverbs that originally modified the verb are often translated into Chinese adjectives.