When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children arguing and asked them why.
A child said, "I think the sun is close to the sky at sunrise and far from the sky at noon." . "
Another child thinks that the sun is far from the sun when it rises, and it is closer to people at noon.
One son said, "The sun rises as big as the hood of a car at first, and rises as a bowl at noon.". This is not for the small ones far away, but for the big ones near? "
A Confucius said, "It's cool to get out of the sky at the beginning of the day, and it's like exploring soup in Japan and China. Isn't this near hot and far cold? "
Hearing this, Confucius could not judge who was right or wrong.
The two children said with a smile, "Who (shú) is more knowledgeable (wise) than you (rǔ)?"
To annotate ...
Debate: an argument.
Answer: Yes.
Go: distance.
Japan and China: noon.
And: to.
Hood: engine hood
Pot: A container for holding things. Round is a dish, and square is a bowl.
Cang Cang Liang: Describe the feeling of coolness. Cang Cang: It means cool.
Decide: to decide, judge.
Soup exploration: reach into the hot water. Soup and hot water
Who: Who?
Yes: by "calling", thinking, thinking.
You know: knowing "wisdom", wisdom.
Travel: travel, study tour.
Confucius went to the East to lobby (or travel) and saw two children arguing and asked why.
A child said, "I think the sun is closer to people when it first comes out, and it is farther away at noon."
Another child thinks that the sun is far away from people when it first comes out and close to people at noon.
A child said, "When the sun first came out, it was as big as a hood. At noon, the sun is like an ancient vessel for holding things. Isn't the far thing small and the near thing big? "
Another child said, "When the sun first came out, it made people feel cool and slightly chilly. At noon (noon), it feels like putting your hand into hot water. Isn't it near hot and far cold? "
Confucius can't decide who is right or wrong.
The two children smiled and said, "Who said you were well informed?"