Poetry, music scores of Alpha and Omega.

At the end of the last revelation in the Bible, there are records about a new heaven and a new earth, a new holy city, the throne of God and the Lamb, the fountain of life and the tree of life, which God promised to all victorious Christians.

Rev 2 1: 1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the previous heaven and earth have passed, and there is no more sea.

Rev 2 1:2 and I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending from heaven from God, ready, just like a bride dressed up for her husband.

Rev 2 1:3 I heard a loud voice coming out of the throne and saying, "Look! The tabernacle of God is on the earth. He will live with people and they will become his people; God will be with them and become their God.

Rev 2 1:4 God will wipe away all their tears; There will be no more death, no more sadness, crying and pain, because the past has passed. "

Rev 2 1:5 And he who sat on the throne said, Look. I have updated everything. He said, "Write it down, because these words are credible and true."

Rev 2 1:6 and he said to me, it's all done. I am alpha, I am omega; I am the beginning, I am the end. I will give the water from the fountain of life to those who are hungry.

Rev. 265 438+0:7 He who overcomes will inherit these things; I will be his God and he will be my son.

Revelation 2 1:8 Only those who are timid, unbelievers, detestable, murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars have their share in the lake of fire burning with sulfur. This is the second death. "

Rev 2 1:9 One of the seven angels who had seven golden bowls full of the last seven plagues came to me and said, Come here, and I will show you the bride, the lamb's wife.

Revelation 2 1: 10 I was moved by the holy spirit, and the angel took me to a high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem, which descended from God.

Rev 2 1: 1 1 The glory of God in the city; The brilliance of the city is like a very expensive gem, like jasper, as bright as crystal.

Rev. 2 1: 12 has a tall wall with twelve doors and twelve angels on the doors; The names of the twelve tribes of Israel are written on the door.

Rev 2 1: 13 There are three doors in the east, three doors in the north, three doors in the south and three doors in the west.

Revelation 2 1: 14 The city wall has twelve foundations, on which are the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Rev 2 1: 15 The speaker with me took a golden reed as a ruler to measure the city, its gates and its walls.

Rev. 2 1: 16 The city is square with the same length and width. Measure the length, width and height of the city with reeds, all of which are 4,000 Li Long.

Rev 2 1: 17 He measured the wall again, and it was 144 cubits according to the size of a human being, that is, the size of an angel.

Rev 2 1: 18 The wall is made of jasper, and the city is pure gold, like clear glass.

Revelation 2 1: 19 The foundation of the city wall is decorated with various gems: the first foundation is jasper; The second is sapphire; The third is green agate; The fourth is emerald;

Rev 2 1:20 The fifth is agate, the sixth is ruby and the seventh is topaz; The eighth is aquamarine; The ninth is the red tourmaline; The tenth is jade; The eleventh is purple agate; The twelfth one is amethyst.

Rev. 2 1:2 1 Twelve doors are twelve pearls; Every door is a pearl. The streets in the city are pure gold, like transparent glass.

Rev 2 1:22 I didn't see a temple in the city, because the Lord God, the Almighty and the Lamb are the temples of the city.

Revelation 2 1:23 There is no need for sun and moon to shine in the city, because the glory of God shines, and the lamb is the lamp of the city.

Rev. 2 1:24 nations shall walk in the light of the city; Kings of the world will give their glory to Jorge Yonashiro.

Rev. 2 1:25 The gate is never closed during the day, because there is no night there.

Rev 2 1:26 People will make Jorge Yonashiro the glory and honor of all nations.

Rev. 2 1:27 Anyone who is unclean or who commits abominations and lies shall not enter the city; Only those whose names are written in the lamb's life book can enter.

Rev.22 1 The angel also showed me that there was a river of living water in the middle of the street in the city, bright as crystal, flowing from the thrones of God and Lamb.

Rev. 22: 2 And there was a tree of life on this side and on that side of the river, bearing twelve kinds of fruits and bearing fruit every month. The leaves on the tree are used to cure everyone.

Rev. 22: 3 There will be no more curses. There are thrones of God and Lamb in the city; All his servants will serve him,

Rev 22:4 I also want to see his face. His name will be written on their foreheads.

Rev 22:5 There will be no more night. They don't need lights or sunshine, because the Lord God will shine on them. They will always be kings.

Rev. 22: 6 And the angel said to me, These words are true and trustworthy. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants what to do. 」

Rev. 22: 7 "Look! I will come soon. Blessed are those who keep the prophecy in this book. "

I, John, have heard and seen these things. I heard and saw, and fell at the feet of the angel who showed me to worship him.

Rev. 22: 9 And he said to me, Never! I am your servant, as well as the servant of your brothers, prophets and those who keep the words in this book. You should worship God. "

Rev.22 10 and he said to me, don't seal the prophecy in this book, because the date is near.

Rev.22 1 1 Let the unjust remain unjust; Keep the unclean unclean unclean; Who is just, let him keep justice; Sacred. Keep him sacred. "

Rev.22 12 "Look! I will come soon. Rewards and punishments are mine, and I will repay everyone according to their actions.

Revelation 22: 13 I am alpha and I am omega; I am the first and I am the last; I am the beginning, I am the end. "

Revelation 22: 14 blessed are those who wash their clothes, so that they have the right to go to the tree of life and enter the city through the door.

Rev.22 15 There are dogs, sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters and all those who love to tell lies and fabricate lies outside the city.

Rev 22: 16 "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things to you for the churches. I am the root and descendant of David; I am the bright morning star. "

Rev.22 17 The Holy Spirit and the bride said, Come on! Those who hear it should also say, "Come!" People who are thirsty will also come; Anyone who wants can drink the water of life for free.

Rev.22 18 I testify to all those who have heard the prophecy in this book. If anyone adds anything to this prophecy, God will add the disaster written in this book to him.

Revelation 22: 19 If anyone deletes anything from the prophecy in this book, God will also delete his share from the tree of life and the holy city recorded in this book.

Rev. 22: 20 And the witness said, Yes. I'll be right there. "amen! Lord Jesus, I hope you can come!

Rev 22:2 1 May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen!