A wife should respect her husband, and a husband should love and cherish his wife.

A wife should respect her husband, and a husband should love and cherish his wife.

Love is a woman's oxygen, and respect is a man's sky.

Look carefully at the following exhortation: "Wives should obey their husbands as they obey the Lord. Because the husband is the head of his wife, just as Christ is the head of the church. ..... As the church obeys Christ, so should the wife obey her husband in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. "

Emerson Agridge:

At the wedding, at that sacred moment, the newlyweds will make such an oath: "No matter whether they are rich or poor, no matter whether they are sick or healthy, we will never leave, and we will be together forever!" "

However, there are not many teenagers, just some of these sworn couples, and their wives complain:

"My husband doesn't love me"; A sad husband will say, "My wife doesn't respect me at all."

What made them forget their original vows?

After more than 60 years of psychological counseling and follow-up investigation of married men and women, I finally understand that misunderstanding is the most common cause of marriage dissolution.

Husband and wife are the closest people in the world. Why are there so many misunderstandings?

It turns out that the psychology of men and women is different: men need respect and women need love. Many couples don't realize this psychological difference, which makes it difficult to communicate with each other.

Fortunately, I finally found the answer-or, more accurately, the answer came from the Bible: "Each of you should love your wife as yourself; A wife should also respect her husband. "

When I repeatedly realized this passage, I was suddenly enlightened and finally found it.

The secret of love and respect:

It turns out that women are born to be loved They need love and long for it. Many husbands don't understand this, so they can't convey their love correctly.

Men are born with respect. They need and crave respect. Many wives don't understand this, so they can't effectively convey their respect.

Without feeling her husband's love, the wife will refuse to respect her husband to show her resistance; Without the respect of his wife, the husband will refuse to give love to show his resistance. Over time, a "crazy circle" has been formed.

Thousands of couples are trapped in this "crazy circle" and can't save themselves. As a result, half of marriages end in failure.

Respect is a person's sky. Without it, people can't fly.

Love is a woman's oxygen. Without it, women will suffocate.

God created men and women to meet each other's psychological needs.

Women should provide men with a sky of respect and men should provide women with oxygen of love.

In marriage, only by satisfying each other's psychological needs first can our psychological needs be met.

In other words, if a wife wants to get love, she must first respect her husband; If a husband wants to be respected, he must love his wife first.

Love is not enough for a happy marriage, but also needs respect.

Only when there is love and respect between husband and wife can there be a harmonious marriage.

A wife should respect her husband, and a husband should love and cherish his wife.