Original lyrics of desert Ganquan songs



Sammi Cheng; The third note of the major scale.

Song name Desert Ganquan singer name Sammi Cheng

Lyrics: Huang Weiwen

Composer: Ding Wei Song dynasty+Lan Yibang

Even this desert

It dried up a million years ago.

Antarctic waves

Will fall like a timely rain

Reach the other shore with your heart

Matchmaking has its own glitter.

God will naturally go this way secretly.

Please look up alone.

You two will meet.

I'll see you both sides.

You go farthest.

As far as the Sahara desert

Turned into a complaint

A face lacking love and water

How do you think he can tell?

The person who loves you is at the end.

How will the ending appear?

Yidian weaving

Or faster than lightning

Where is the darkness of the world?

Turn around where the flowers are gorgeous.

There is an ambush line.

Who is on the way from the South Pole?

Encounter a sandstorm

You've already drunk it, so evaporate it.

Then the clouds turn into rain and fall in your driest place.

The driest place blooms instantly.

Even this desert

It dried up a million years ago.

Antarctic waves

Will fall like a timely rain

Reach the other shore with your heart

Matchmaking has its own glitter.

God will naturally go this way secretly.

Please look up alone.

You two will meet.

I'll see you both sides.

You go farthest.

As far as the Sahara desert

Become a face complaining about the lack of love and water.

How do you think he can tell?

Who is on the way from the South Pole?

Encounter a sandstorm

You've already drunk it, so evaporate it.

Then the clouds turn into rain and fall in your driest place.

The driest place blooms instantly.

Even this desert

It dried up a million years ago.

Antarctic waves

Will fall like a timely rain

You don't have to wait for rain every day.

I hope it will be cloudy every day.

I want you to change your country here.

There are too many ways.

Build a water pipe to connect your home.

Underground is a hot spring, right?

Design it to be called God.

Can't see through him

Even this desert

It dried up a million years ago.

Antarctic waves

Will fall like a timely rain

Reach the other shore with your heart

Matchmaking has its own glitter.

God will naturally go this way secretly.

Please look up alone.

Not afraid of this desert

It dried up a million years ago.

Who shed sweat?

Will fall like a timely rain

Whose particles will collide?

The universe is vast and lonely.

Which of them sneaked away?

Please check if you don't know.