Reciting poems and attending banquets
When Su Shi was twenty years old, he went to the capital to take a scientific examination. Six arrogant people looked down upon him and decided to invite Su Shi to a banquet with the intention of teasing him. Su Shi went happily after accepting the invitation. Before taking the table and using chopsticks, everyone proposed a drinking order. The content of the drinking order must quote historical figures and events, so that you can eat a plate of food alone. The other five people roared with cheers. "I'll come first." The older one said, "Jiang Ziya fishes on the Weishui River!" After saying that, he took away a plate of fish. "Qin Shubao sells horses in Chang'an," the second man said proudly as he took away the horse meat. "Su Ziqing Beihu Shepherd," the third person took the mutton without showing any signs of weakness. "Zhang Yide sells meat in Zhuo County," the fourth one shouted anxiously, reaching out and grabbing the meat. "Guan Yunchang scraped the bones from Jingzhou," the fifth one couldn't wait to grab the bones. "Zhuge Liang grows vegetables in Longzhong," the sixth arrogantly picked up the last piece of vegetables. After all the dishes were finished, the six people were happily preparing to eat and laugh at Su Shi, but Su Shi calmly chanted: "Qin Shihuang annexed the six countries!" After saying that, he put all six dishes in front of him and said with a smile : "Brothers, please come!". The people in Liuju were dumbfounded.