Before Jesus was punished, he was humiliated, laughed at, teased and beaten by everyone. The prisoner who was crucified was a robber. According to the Old Testament law, "you shall not steal". They violated God's law, so their punishment was commensurate with their sins. But one of the robbers, facing Jesus, was honest at heart and didn't lie. He said that Jesus had never done anything bad, and he said it in public! Does the person who can say such a thing have God's law in his heart and God's love in his heart?
Jesus said that he was the son of God and a man at that time, so he blasphemed him, teased him and laughed at him. But what did the robber say? "Jesus, please remember me when your kingdom comes." If the robber doesn't believe in Moses, how can he believe in the kingdom of God? How can you believe what Jesus said? He committed a crime and was punished. He knows he deserves it, and he thinks he deserves it. He decided that he deserved it. According to God's law, he was a sinner. But he believed that Jesus was innocent and was judged according to God's law, not the Pharisees' own law. He believed in the kingdom of Jesus.
If a person does not really believe in Moses' commandments, will he think that Jesus is innocent? Will you believe in the kingdom of God? Jesus said to the Pharisees, "Look up the Bible because you think there is eternal life in it.": It is this scripture that bears witness to me. " The Pharisees thought it pious for them to keep the law. There is no god in their hearts. They use their laws to condemn God among mankind. But the robber who broke God's law had God in his heart, so he knew that Jesus was innocent. Shouldn't this man be called a devout believer of God?
Jesus told the prisoner, "Today you will be with me in heaven". Jesus looked at man's honest heart to God. There is no mortal who does not make mistakes, and there is no one who can keep the whole law. If people are judged according to God's law, no one is perfect.
When Jesus came, he made a new Covenant to write God's law in people's hearts, so that people would have God in their hearts and God's love in their hearts. The New Testament, the Holy Spirit given to us, injects God's love into our hearts. "If you don't love, you don't know God because God is love."
If people don't pay attention to their usual practices, their hearts are hard. When God comes to people, can they accept and believe God's name?
When a man boasts, he should boast about the Lord. Before the perfect God, if people still condemn him and kill him, such a person is really wicked!
Justification by faith is actually the result of behavior.
-As it is written, "The righteous will live by faith." Believe what? Believe in the messenger sent by God, and believe in the God on earth. Because God is just, he also calls those who believe in him just. Justification by faith is the result of behavior. What good is it for a person to have faith without action? Can this letter save them? My brothers, what good is it if someone says he has faith but has no deeds? Can this faith save him? "
Jesus first came and preached for more than three years. The Pharisees denied that Jesus was the Christ. Didn't the Pharisees only have faith and no behavior? They denied that Jesus was the son of God and condemned him as a barren fig tree.
We believe in Jesus and the way of being justified by faith. When the Lord comes again, we will be justified by believing in Christ and bear good fruit.
Matthew 3:8 bears fruit worthy of repentance.
The lesson of God has always been that the Son of Man speaks for himself.
Justification by faith? Believe what? Believe in the messenger sent by God, and believe in the God on earth.
Did the Pharisees not believe in God? However, God came to them, but they didn't know him. A good person's kindness is kindness from the heart; The wicked send out the evil hidden in their hearts; Because what's in your heart will come out of your mouth. Who serves God and who doesn't serve God are distinguished by their attitude towards God who comes among people. Because God is just, he also calls those who believe in him just.
If a person does not pay attention to his daily practice, does not try his best to maintain his holiness, has no God in his heart, has no God's command in his heart, has no God's love in his heart, and his thoughts and actions always deviate from God, then if he faces the Lord who came to save him one day, can goodness come from his heart? When the light comes to the world, can the wicked go to the light? No, they will still hate light. As the scripture says, "When light comes into the world, people love darkness rather than light because of their actions, and this is where they are condemned."
Although our daily activities are not complete, if we often think about God's law, restrain ourselves with God's law and remain godly, we can recognize the Lord when he comes, accept him, get God's grace, be saved and be with him in heaven. We get God's grace not because of how perfect our daily behavior is, but because if we try our best to keep holiness, although we will commit crimes and fail to obey the whole law, when God comes to save us, these accumulated goodness will make us know God's voice and accept him, so that we can get God's grace and be saved by believing in his name.
In the New Testament, God wrote his laws in people's hearts. God looks at people's hearts, not how many laws they can recite. How many words of God can you say? How famous and powerful is the priest he follows? If people can't tell the difference between true and false, good and evil, right and wrong, sin and righteousness, then what's the use of people memorizing more laws and regulations and having higher status in the church?
People say they believe in Jesus, but they don't check their hearts to see if they really obey God's laws and regulations. Their hearts have not really changed except believing in Jesus. This is cheating on God. The fruit they eat is the fruit of their own tree of good and evil. They judge themselves by their own standards of good and evil, not by God's laws. The goodness they believe is not the goodness that God believes, so such people are not reborn. Just like the Pharisees.
When God comes again, he will not welcome the Lord or open the door for his returning master. Those who don't believe in his name, even the barren fig tree, will be cut down.
Road 13: 5 I tell you, it's not. Unless you repent, you will all perish in this way.
So he told a parable: "A man had a fig tree, which was planted in a vineyard. He came to look for fruit under the tree, but he couldn't find it. He said to the gardener, "Look, I've been looking for fruit on this fig tree for three years, but I can't find it." Cut it down; Why waste land? The gardener said, "Lord, keep it this year until I dig up the surrounding soil and add dung." If it bears fruit later, let it bear fruit, or cut it down again. "
In the metaphor of ten girls, all ten girls are holding lamps-they seem to obey God's law and have hope. What's the difference between a stupid virgin and a smart virgin? That is, one has the behavior of welcoming the groom and the other has not.
Foolish virgins abide by the law, and when they hear the news of the groom's arrival, they are still preparing lamp oil instead of trying to find it. In those days, they followed the path of the Pharisees who adhered to the law. They are people who believe in God with their mouths and have no Holy Spirit in their hearts. They don't know the groom. He is also a man denied by God. -We should all take a warning.
Why are smart virgins called "smart"? Recognizing the returning Lord and Holy One, they greeted him: Proverbs 9: 10 Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; Knowing the most holy is wisdom.
Why do stupid virgins call themselves stupid? Knowing that the groom is coming, I don't know him, and I have been preparing lamp oil devoutly.
Jeremiah 4: 22 My people are foolish and do not know me, says the Lord. They are ignorant children. Wisdom does evil, but knowledge does not do good.
God is our waiting and he will save us. He is my rock, and there is no injustice in him. Because people believe him, they are justified. Isaiah 45:25 All the descendants of Israel will be justified in the Lord and will boast.
Christians who believe and are baptized are called "Christians" by law. Acts 2:38 Acts 1 1:26
Christians believe in Jesus and believe in the ways of "being justified by faith" and "being saved by faith". If Christians can be justified by their birthright, by the law, and be inspired by salvation in this last time, do they still believe in Jesus? ! Do not the Pharisees also want to be justified by the law?
People are justified by faith, and faith belongs to the Lord. Don't care about obeying the law. If righteousness comes through the law, didn't Christ die in vain? Galatians 2:2 1 I will not nullify the grace of God; If righteousness comes through the law, Christ died in vain.