In the first century A.D., Christian Romans attacked the Druid Celts. The Romans, as winners, washed away the druids, who were slaughtered in batches by Roman soldiers who rushed into the mysterious forest, and the bodies of priests were left in the sacred forest. Druids were destroyed by this massacre and have been dormant ever since. Druidism only appeared in later folk songs and poems. Since then, their prestige has fallen to the status of ordinary wizards for centuries, and their former glory is gone forever, so they can only recite sad elegies alone. Therefore, from then on to now, Druid is no longer like a religious or historical term, but has become a mythical figure. Nowadays, we can see their imitations in some interesting retro sports, but what really affects us is the caster in the game. Druids in modern fantasy literature and games are mostly based on legends before the first century A.D., and gradually evolved into a mysterious organization with natural forces.