This passage describes those who can enter the kingdom of God and enjoy a thousand years of peaceful and prosperous rule. These people are the remnant of Israel. They went to the temple in Jerusalem to worship God, believe in God, and the redeemed Gentiles. These people seem to have entered the kingdom of God because of their good character, but they are not. Their character is the result of their rebirth from above, because people cannot see or enter the kingdom of God unless they are reborn (Jn. 3: 3, 5). Therefore, these people are outstanding saints. They have experienced great disasters, and their clothes have been washed white by the blood of the lamb.
The following are four characteristics of personality. Their hands are clean, which means that their actions are fair and blameless. They are childlike hearts, which means that their motives are pure and their thoughts are not corrupt. They don't agree with any form of falsehood. Finally, they will not testify for untrue things, nor will they distort the facts and hinder judicial justice. Their hands, their hearts, their souls and their mouths are just.
These people are from the Millennium Kingdom of Christ. Although they used to be laughed at and despised by ungodly people, they were proved just by God who saved them. This is the residents of the Millennium-they are people who seek God's face and accept God's grace;
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