The two brothers went through a difficult journey and returned to Canaan. Jacob is eager to see his sons come back. He is really sad and happy. When they told Jacob that Yue Se was alive and became prime minister, he couldn't believe his ears until he saw the vehicles and articles sent by Yue Se to pick him up. He repeatedly said, "It's great that Yue Se is still alive! All right! I must see him before I die. "
Jacob led the whole family to pack their bags and then set off for Egypt. He first went to Beersheba and made a pious sacrifice to the God of his father Isaac. At night, God appeared to Jacob in a vision and said, "I am the God of your father. Don't be afraid, just go to Egypt! " I want to make you a great country there. I will go down to Egypt with you and bring you back, and Yue Se will die for you. "
The next day, Jacob led his family, 70 people, old and young, to share several cars given by Lao, and his sons drove their livestock to Egypt.
After Jacob's family arrived in Egypt, they first sent Judah to contact Yue Se and then went to Goshen. Yue Se prepared his chariots and horses and rushed to Goshen. Seeing the old white-haired father, he couldn't help but burst into tears, and the father and son cried bitterly. Jacob said, "I can see you alive and die with my eyes closed."
Yue Se chose five brothers to see Pharaoh and told them to go and say to Pharaoh, "We will inherit our ancestral business and live as shepherds, and ask Wang Rong to let us live in Goshen." Pharaoh agreed and said to Yue Se, "Choose a place for them and let them live in the best place in Egypt. Goshen is a good place. "Yue Se also took his 130-year-old father to see Pharaoh and bless him.
The Israelites increased in the land of Goshen, and their population and fields increased greatly. Jacob lived another 65,438+07 years. When he was 65,438+047 years old, he knew that he was dying, so he asked Yue Se to swear to him that after his death, he must take his bones out of Egypt and bury them in the place where his ancestors were buried. Yue Se promised to come down. Soon, Jacob was going to die, and Yue Se took his two sons to visit his father. Jacob was very excited to see his two grandchildren. He crossed his hands on their heads and blessed them. When Yue Se saw that his right hand was on the head of Ephraim, the second son, he immediately took it away and put it on the head of Manasseh, the eldest son, and said, "You are mistaken, this is the eldest son. Jacob said, "No, my brother will be more prosperous and powerful than my brother in the future, and he will be the father of many nationalities." He set Ephraim above Manasseh. Jacob said to Yue Se, "God is with you." He promised Yue Se one more than the other brothers. Then Jacob blessed the other 1 1 sons. Jacob's 12 sons later became Israel's 12 school. They are Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Yue Se and Benjamin.
Jacob gave his blessing and swallowed. Yue Se was heartbroken, so the doctor asked his father to burn incense for 40 days, and all Egypt mourned for 70 days. Yue Se asked Pharaoh to bury his father in the tomb of his ancestors in Canaan according to his last words. Pharaoh agreed. Yue Se and his brothers, his father's family, Pharaoh's servants, elders and cavalry formed a vast funeral procession. They came to the threshing floor in Ada, just outside the Jordan River, where they held a grand condolence ceremony. Yue Se and others mourned here for seven days. When the Canaanites saw it, they all said it was a great tragedy for the Egyptians.
In accordance with their father's wishes, the Yue Se brothers buried their father in the cave of Machpelah, the graveyard of Abraham and Isaac. They returned to Egypt after the funeral.
When the Yue Se brothers saw the news of their father's death and were afraid that Yue Se would retaliate against them, they sent someone to beg Yue Se to forgive them. Yue Se cried and assured them that he would never do this, and his arrival was entirely arranged by God. Yue Se still takes care of his brother and their home wholeheartedly.
Yue Se lived to 1 10 and died. Before he died, he told his brothers that God would lead them out of Egypt and return to the place that God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
He also asked the Israelites to promise to transport his bones back to Canaan in the future.