Full-text: During the Jin, Tai and Yuan Dynasties, Wu Lingren took fishing as its profession. Walk along the stream and forget the distance. Suddenly I met the peach blossom forest, and I caught a hundred steps on the shore. There were no miscellaneous trees, and the grass was delicious and colorful. Fishermen are very different. If you go any further, you will want to be poor.
If there is no water in the forest, make a mountain. The mountain has a small mouth and seems to have light. By boat, by mouth. Only by being narrow at first can we understand people. Take a few steps and you will be cheerful. The land is flat and spacious, the houses (shè) and (yǐ n) are natural, and there are fertile fields and beautiful mulberry ponds. Money (qiān) blames (mi) traffic, and chickens and dogs hear each other. Among them, people who come and go (zhòng) make clothes, and men and women wear clothes (zhuó), knowing that they are strangers. Yellow hair, happy.
Seeing the fisherman, he was shocked and asked him what he had not done. Answer it. You still have to (yāo) go home and set out wine to kill chickens for dinner. The village heard about this man, and xián came to inquire. Because Yunzu avoided the chaos of Qin Dynasty, his wife easily fell into this desperate situation, did not come back, and was isolated from outsiders. You ask what this world is, and I don't know if there are any Han Chinese, regardless of Wei and Jin Dynasties! This man speaks every word with a sigh. The others went home, eating and drinking. Stop for a few days and resign. In this Chinese language (yù) cloud: "There is not enough humanity for outsiders."
Help the road when you get off the boat, and you are determined everywhere. And the county, Yi (y) satrap, so to speak. The satrap means to send someone with him to find what he wants, get lost, get lost. Nanyang people (Ji), when noble, heard about it and gladly planned to go. If you fail, you will find the disease. Nobody took care of it after that.
In the first year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a man in Wuling County who made a living by fishing. One day, he rowed along the stream and forgot how far he had walked. Suddenly I saw a peach blossom forest, which was hundreds of steps long. There are no other trees in the middle of the peach blossom forest. Flowers and plants are bright and beautiful, and falling flowers are mixed. He was very surprised at this. Go on, want to walk through this peach blossom forest. The Peach Blossom Forest ends at the place where the stream originates. You see a mountain with a small hole that vaguely seems to have light. The fisherman left the boat and got in through the hole. At first, the hole was very narrow, and only one person could pass through. After dozens of steps, the narrow darkness suddenly became wide and bright. The land is flat and wide, the houses are neat, and there are fertile land, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees and bamboo forests. The fields are criss-crossed, and the crows of chickens and dogs are heard. In the meantime, people come and go in the fields, farming and working, and men and women wear the same clothes as people outside (outsiders: people outside the Peach Blossom Garden). The old man and the child are full of joy and appear satisfied. When he saw the fisherman, he was very surprised and asked him where he came from. The fisherman answered (the villager) in detail, so he invited him to his home to set wine, kill chickens and prepare food for him. When people in the village heard about such a person, they all came to inquire about the news. (They) themselves said that their ancestors (in order to) avoid the war in the Qin Dynasty, brought their wives, children and people from the same county to this isolated place, and never went out again, so they stopped interacting with people outside the Peach Blossom Garden. (Villager) Ask (Fisherman) What dynasty is it now? I didn't know there was a Han Dynasty, let alone Wei and Jin Dynasties. The fisherman told them everything he heard in detail, and they all sighed. The rest invited the fisherman to their home, and all took out wine and rice to entertain him. After staying for a few days, the fisherman left. The villagers accused him: "It's not worth telling outsiders!" After the fisherman came out, he found his boat, went back along the old road and marked it everywhere. Back in the county, I went to visit the satrap and told him about it. The satrap immediately sent someone to follow him, looking for the mark he had made before, and finally lost his way (to the Peach Blossom Garden) and couldn't find the original road. Liu Ziji, a native of Nanyang, is a hermit with noble thoughts. Hearing this, he intends to go there happily. Didn't come true, and soon died of illness. Since then, no one has looked for (Peach Blossom Garden).