The following is a section-by-section explanation of Psalm 106:
Psalm 106: 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endures forever.
This is the introduction of Psalm 106, which emphasizes the goodness and eternal love of God.
Psalm 106:2 O Israel, praise the Lord, for he has saved your brother who brought you out of Egypt.
This section refers to the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt and the grace of God to save them.
Psalm 106:3 Although you were bound by the chains of sin, the Lord released your members.
This section emphasizes that Israel can be free even in sin and shackles, which is due to God's salvation and power.
Psalm 106:4 He saved you from the ruler of Egypt and set you free, so you are no longer his people.
This section emphasizes the salvation and power of God, who liberated the Israelites from the rulers of Egypt and their shackles.
Hymn 106:5 He brought you across the Red Sea like a flat ground and brought you out of the humiliation of the Egyptians.
This section emphasizes God's salvation and strength. God made the Israelites cross the Red Sea safely and saved them from the humiliation of the Egyptians.
Psalm 106:6 No one can break his promise like the Lord. He is a free savior.
This section emphasizes God's faithfulness and salvation, pointing out that he is a free savior and never breaks his word.
Psalm 106:7 Remember the great things he did to you and his wonders.
This section emphasizes that Israelis should remember God's great deeds and his miracles.
Psalm 106:8 His power saved his people from the enemy, and his love endures forever.
This section emphasizes God's power and love, pointing out that he saved Israel from the shackles of the enemy.
Psalm 106:9 Always remember his kindness and faithfulness.
This section emphasizes that Israel should always remember God's mercy and faithfulness.
The above is the interpretation of Psalm 106. I hope it helps you.