What are Voltaire’s famous poems?

Category: Culture/Art

Problem description:

Be specific. The content of the poem must also be included!


"Oedipus", "Henriart", "Philosophical Correspondence", "Death of Caesar", "Elephele", "Chail", "Jaleziel", "Charlie X" "Second Histories", "On Metaphysics", "On Man", "Modern Figures", "The Temple of Interest", "Melope", "***", "Semiramis", "Rome Saved" ", "Such a World", "Zadig", "Micromegas", "The Age of Louis XIV", "Socrates", "Records of the Illness, Confession, Death and Apparitions of the Jesuit Berthier" ", "When", "The Scotswoman", "The Chinese Orphan", "Olympia", "The Maiden of Orleans", "The Codex Minoan", "Irena", "Jeanault and Colain", "Candide" , "The Innocent Man", "The Man with Forty Gold Coins", "The Princess of Babylon", political essays "Talk and Thought", "Dialogue between A, B and C", "Chronicle of the Empire", "History of Russia", " "Civil War in Geneva", "History of the Paris Parlement", "Philosophical Dictionary", "Questions About the Encyclopedia", "Praise to the History of Reason", "The Ignorant Philosopher"