There are many factors that affect forgetting.
The influence of the meaning of memory materials. If the materials on the back are boring and of little significance to study and life, such materials are easy to forget.
The nature of memory materials will also affect the process of forgetting. If students study poetry, prose, essays and expositions at the same time. The strongest memory is poetry, and the fastest forgetting is expository writing. Guildford's research shows that different materials have different forgetting curves, among which meaningless syllables are the easiest to forget. In addition, the process of forgetting is also affected by the amount of materials, which is large and easy to forget.
Interference between forward suppression and backward suppression. The interference of previous learning materials on post-recall learning materials. Backward inhibition refers to the interference of post-learning materials on maintaining and recalling pre-learning materials. When reciting the text, we all have this experience. We remember the beginning and end firmly, but the middle part is relatively poor. This is because the beginning part is disturbed by backward vision inhibition, the end part is disturbed by forward vision inhibition, and the middle part is disturbed by forward vision inhibition and backward vision inhibition at the same time. Therefore, in order to forget unnecessarily, we should pay special attention to the negative effects of two kinds of inhibition in the memory process.
In real life, forgetting is not all bad. Those unpleasant past events and painful experiences can be forgotten, which is of great practical significance to improve mental health and work efficiency.