Pandora's box
Pandora's box.
A long time ago, Zeus ordered hephaestus (Aphrodite's husband) to give him a daughter. This is the first woman made of clay. Hephaestus created a beautiful woman and named her Pandora.
Zeus sent his new daughter Pandora to earth so that she could marry the gentle and lonely Epimetheus.
Zeus is not kind. He's taking revenge. Epimetheus and Prometheus are brothers. Zeus was furious with one of his brothers, Prometheus, because he set people on fire without asking Zeus' permission.
First of all.
Zeus gave Pandora a small box with a big and heavy lock on it. He made her promise never to open the box. He gave the key to Pandora's husband and told him never to open the box. Zeus was convinced that Epimetheus's curiosity would overcome him, Epimetheus or
His brother can open the box.
Pandora is very curious She wanted to see what was in the box, but Epimetheus said no. Better not. "You know your father," Epimetheus sighed, referring to Zeus. "He is a sly guy."
One day, while Epimetheus was sleeping, Pandora stole the key and opened the box.
All kinds of diseases, hatred and jealousy, and all the bad things that people have never experienced have flown out. Pandora slammed the lid, but it was too late. All the bad things have been unpacked. They flew away to the outside world.
Epimetheus was awakened by her sobs.
"I opened the box, these are ugly.
"Things flew out," Pandora cried. I tried to catch them, but they all ran away! "
Pandora opened the box to show him how empty it was. But this box is not empty. Before Pandora could close the lid, a bug flew out quickly.
"Hello, Pandora," said the bug, hovering out of reach. "My name is Hope." With a nod of thanks for being released, hope flew to the world, a world now full of jealousy, crime, hatred, disease and hope.
Echo and Hera
Echo and Hera
One day, Zeus rushed into the forest, looking for one
Hiding place. His wife Hera pursued him again. Will he never stop learning?
Flirting with fairies who live deep in the forest? Obviously not. find
He asked her to help him escape from his wife's eagle eye. None.
Refuse Zeus' request and tell him alive.
When Hera rushed into the Woods after Zeus, the echo
Distract her with small talk and gossip. For a time, this method worked very well.
When Hera found out what had happened, she punished her.
Respond by depriving her of her beautiful voice. All love can be done forever.
Repeat the last few sounds she heard.
Story source: A website called "Mr. Dunn's Social Research Website". . .