Where are the God of War 5 Ragnarok books? You may not know the locations of all the books yet. Let’s take a look at the guide to collecting all the God of War 5 Ragnarok books.
Complete collection of God of War 5 Ragnarok book locations
#1 _ Aurvangar Wetland (Kvasir's Poems - The Void Sun out)
On the last island, after getting on the elevator over the frozen geyser, it's on a small table next to a chain that you must pull for story purposes. Basically on your story path, hard to miss. The artifact glows purple.
#2 _ Apple Core (Kvasir's Poem_ Bloodlines)
When entering the Apple Core via the elevator from Sverde Sands, at the end of the first area you can Throw the spear to the wall and climb up. After climbing up, turn left and use your spear to blow up the rubble, followed by the artifact (purple item) on the floor.
#3 _ Jarnsmida Pitmines (Poetry of Kvasir_ Tools and Explosions)
Close the berserker tombstone at the exit of the pit mine and use your blade to pull the water channel towards you (see below second picture). This will redirect the water to power the crane, wait a few seconds for the crane to lift a large boulder towards you. Climb up the rocks and throw the ax to the end of the water channel to freeze the water (third picture below). This closes the crane and it rotates backwards, leaving it on top of the stone block. Finally you can hang off the rocks and jump to the hill behind the crane. Artifacts and legendary chests are here.
#4 _ Nidavellir (Kvasir's Poem _ Large Social Ground Ball, Show)
After parking the boat and reaching the town, there is a green blockade on the left dock. Shoot the green arrow at it to blow it up (aim and press: Square:), revealing the artifact behind it. If this is your first story visit you must first talk to the blacksmith, he is the next story target, just down the road and you get the green arrow from him.
#5 _ Limbakir Island (Kvasir's Poem_ We Stay, Part 2)
Climb the two walls, then turn left and go all the way The end. The purple glowing artifact is there. This is the top of Limbuckle Island.
#6 _ The Oarsman (Kvasir's Poem_ The Dead Do Not Ride)
After pulling the chain and opening the stairs, return to the start area and climb up the wall you did earlier, this will now lead to the artifact.
#7 _ Strond (Kvasir's Poem - Abandonment of the Afterlife) Progress linearly through the area until you exit through a small cave tunnel section After the cave,
go straight along the ledge. There is an artifact (glowing purple) and a legendary chest on the left.
#8 _ Temple of Light (Kvasir's Poem _ Vision after Rest)
Go straight up the spiral staircase. After exiting, before going through the arch, turn right and you can climb up the wall. There you can find the artifact (which glows purple).
#9 _ Temple of Light (Poetry of Kvasir _ The Soul Within the Wall)
After Kratos opens the door, there is a wooden wheel on the left side that you can turn. Turn and climb back up, after the next arch, the artifact is on the left.
#10 _ The Barrens (Kvasir's Poem _ Celestial Formation)
Inside the dragon skull in the northeastern part of the area, climb up the wall behind.
#11 _ Forbidden Sand (Kvasir's Poem _ Travel)
On top of a small tower in the northeastern part of the area.
#12 _ Southern Wilds (Poem by Kvasir_ Chasing the Unmarked Places on the Map)
In the area where the poison bag exploded, You have to climb up and jump to the middle tower. From there you can look down and there's a blue mark on the smashed floor. The artifact is below that floor.
#13 _ The Jungle (Kvasir's Poems - An Organization: In the Future)
Enter the tunnel to the jungle (open at night only) in the southwest of the "Crater", The artifacts are on the road in plain sight, after the climb near the body. It glows purple.
#14 _ Sinkhole (Kvasir's Poem _ The Ghost of the East)
After defeating the Drake, burn the red vines and squeeze through the gap to find this on the road.