What do you like for breakfast? Reflections on teaching plans.

What do you like for breakfast? Reflections on the lesson plans are as follows:

First, talk to guide the class, talk about your breakfast, and arouse children's interest? . Teacher: "Little friend, did you have breakfast today?" What did you eat? "

Second, guess and say, and guide the children to observe and say the contents of the picture.

1, Teacher: Teacher Wang also brought a lot of breakfast today to see who likes it. Teacher: If you like to eat XX, you may be XX.

2. Play the recording to enhance the child's memory.

3. Guide children to say what they like to eat.

Third, know more about the types of breakfast and know that it is very important to eat a good breakfast.

1, q: "What happens if you don't eat breakfast?

Conclusion: We must have breakfast in the morning. If we don't eat it, we will have no strength, which will affect our health. Also, you should eat everything for breakfast, not only eat it, but also mix it reasonably, so that you can have a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Fourth, the game "give it a try, then say". Teachers interact with children and tell them completely.

1. Teachers and individual children play "continue" games.

2. Teachers play with children.