Whoever steals a hook is punished, and whoever steals a country is a vassal. Where does it come from?


Qi's country was rich, and Song's country was poor. Since Song's qi asked for his skills, Guo's country told him, "I was good as a thief, and at first I was a thief. I gave it in one year, two years was enough, and three years was great. From then on, I gave it to Zhou Lv." Xiang Shi was overjoyed, calling him a thief, but not a thief. So he went over to the chisel room, and he did not explore the death as far as his eyes could see. He was not convicted of stolen goods in time, and he had no money to live in. Xiang Shi blames himself for the fallacy of Guo Shi, and complains about it. Guo Shi said, "What if it's a thief?" Speak to the surname.

Guo Shi said, "Hey, if you lose it, the way to steal it is so far! If you will tell me today. I have heard of heaven sometimes, and the land is favorable. I have stolen the time and the benefits of heaven and earth, the nourishment of sex and rain, and the fertility of mountains and rivers. To give birth to my grain, cultivate my crops, build my garden and build my house; Land steals animals, water steals fish and turtles, and death is not stealing. Husband, crops, civil engineering, animals, fish and turtles are all born in heaven, so what do I own? But I stole the sky and died. The wealth of husband, gold and jade, grain and silk goods, where people gather, is it beyond the reach of heaven? If you are convicted of stealing it, who is complaining? (selected from Liezi Tianrui).

A surname of Guo in Qi is very rich, and a surname of Song is very poor. He went from Song to Qi and asked him how to get rich. The surname of Guo told him, "I am good at stealing. Self-sufficiency in one year, self-sufficiency in two years, and a bumper harvest in three years. From then on, charity was given to (all) village neighbors. "

Xiang was very happy. Knowing that he was a thief, he didn't know how to be a thief, so he broke through the wall and broke the room. Everything he could touch with his hands and see with his eyes was taken away. Not long after, the man was convicted of stealing goods and confiscated the property of his ancestors. The surname Xiang thinks that the surname Guo is deceiving himself, so he complains about him.

The surname Guo said, "How did you become a thief?" The surname Xiang told his story. The man surnamed Guo said, "Haha! Are you too far away from being a thief? Now I'll tell you. I heard that sometimes the weather is favorable and the land is favorable. I steal the advantages of heaven and earth: clouds and rain nourish everything, so that my seedlings can grow, my crops can be raised, my walls can be built, and my houses can be built; I stole animals on land, and I stole fish and turtles in water. Nothing was stolen.

All crops, land, trees, animals, fish and turtles are born in heaven and earth. How can I own them? But if I steal the sky, there will be no harm; And the treasures of gold and jade and the property of grain brocade are gathered by others, which is owned by heaven? How can you resent (me) when you are convicted of stealing those things? "