The Shanbao is Gu Bei, and Jingsheng Guannan Prefecture. There are clouds on the Tao Hong River and red mansions in the mountains. There is no clear trace of laughter, and there is no plan to park Ye Zhou. There is no intention of relying on Liu. The golden que is self-sufficient and the jade base is old.
Ask about the rise and fall, the end of the matter, the spring and autumn. Figures in the Six Dynasties, the Five Hu Demons are full of worries. Chu prisoners who dropped out of school cried that they must put their ancestors first and take over their territory. Only gold does not go with the flow.
Zhao Shankuo, the author of "Water Diversion Crossing the River", introduced that a historical figure, whose real name was Zhai Ying lay man, was born in Longxing, Jiangxi (now Nanchang, Jiangxi). The year of birth and death is unknown, and the main activity time was in Xiaozong Dynasty, when I tried to learn. In the seventh year of Avenue (1 17 1), Changshu County was known, and Pingjiang Prefecture was later sentenced. In the sixth year of Xichun (1 179), he was dismissed after learning about Ezhou. Xichun has known Changzhou for sixteen years. He is the author of Zhai Ying's Miscellanies in six volumes. Yang Wanli is the order.
Zhao Shankuo's other works ○ Drunkenness ○ Zhao Jianhui welcomes the Double Ninth Festival with five fights of wine, drinks it at night and gives it to him.
○ Niannujiao and Blu-ray Hall
He Xinlang Daphne
○ Partridge, I'm a passer-by to see me off.
○ Partridge and azure tree awarded the champion king.
○ More works by Zhao Shankuo