Confucius said a shocking saying in "The Analects": "There is a way in the world, and it cannot be changed." I encourage everyone to be like Confucius and take the affairs of the world as their own responsibility. Reading this sentence, I remembered another sentence of Confucius: Confucius said: "A scholar cannot be without great perseverance, and the road ahead is long and arduous." Yes! In addition to the hero spirit of "taking the affairs of the world as our own responsibility", we must also have a firm will and lofty ambitions, so that we can "surge upwards" and achieve our career of "spreading our wings and flying thousands of miles".
Moored at the ship with the ripples of historical memories, looking at the splendid chapters of our country's civilization, the mirror of history has already reflected countless shining examples of lofty ideals and strugglers who have helped the world: Liu Bang, a businessman, pioneered The myth of the prosperity of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years, including the miracle of the straw sandal seller Liu Bei dividing the world and the dominance of Shu, the historical classic of Zhu Yuanzhang who begged on the street to create the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, and the story of Hu Yan, an apprentice in a bank who became extremely wealthy and served the country. The heroic feats of the people, and the legend that Zhu De, who was born as a peasant, held a pole in his hand to make revolution and eventually became the founding marshal... This iron-clad fact has irrefutably told people: with great ambition and unremitting hard work, it is possible to achieve something that will illuminate the ages. His achievements compose the poem of Zhence Yunei.
Deng Xiaoping - a great man of a generation who experienced many vicissitudes of life, with three ups and downs, and outstanding achievements. What kind of power allows him to be in the center of a storm and still be able to take a leisurely stroll? The answer was resounding: "This is my ambition!"
In the 29th Olympic Games, how did the gymnastics princess Liukin perform so well that she defeated the powerful American athletes? The answer was meaningful: "Because this is my goal."
Deng Xiaoping and Liu Jin set lofty ambitions and goals. They broke through adversity, suffered hardships that others could not endure, and endured pain that others could not endure. Finally, reap what others cannot.
On November 4, 2008, Obama became the first black president and the first African-American president in American history. Who would believe that President-elect Obama was once a "gangster" living on the streets and a marijuana smoker, but Obama's success in running for President of the United States makes us have to believe that success is fair to everyone. --As long as you have high aspirations and work tirelessly for them!
From a "street gangster" to being elected president, it is the result of Obama's high aspirations and continuous efforts, pursuit, struggle and enterprising spirit. Racial discrimination cannot embarrass him, "street gangsters" cannot change him, the disadvantage of ranking only 98th among 100 senators cannot scare him, and the opponent's "big tree with deep roots" cannot defeat him, because he has "the Great Wall of China will never stop". The solid ambition of "falling down" and the lofty ambition of the Yellow River flowing thousands of miles
Confucius said that "a scholar cannot be ambitious but has a long way to go", which is not an exaggeration at all. It is this spirit of "Hongyi" that has made countless heroes and created historical glory. Our ancestor Su Shi once said: "Those who accomplished great things in ancient times not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance."
Contemporary middle school students shoulder the heavy responsibility of rejuvenating the motherland, so in addition to In addition to having the life attitude of a master who believes that "there is a way in the world, Qiu does not change things", we should also keep in mind Dongpo's words and Confucius' words, "A scholar must be ambitious, and the responsibilities are long and the road ahead is long." -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------Everyone has their own colorful ideals, workers, teachers, policemen, doctors... Every ideal is so beautiful, every People are so persistent. For the ideal, everyone works tirelessly to realize it and turn the magnificent ideal into a reality.
How innocent and childish I was in childhood. And I never thought about what my ideal is. I grew up day by day, matured day by day, and began to take into account my ideals. I really want to be a chemist. Chemist is an extraordinary profession. Chemists like Mendeleev, Pasteur, and Marie Curie had a great influence on the scientific community. I admire them very much, so I want to be a chemist and explore the mysteries of mankind. I grow up day by day and learn more knowledge day by day. I learned about great figures such as "Tang Taizong, Liu Bei, Kangxi...", which helped me learn many principles of life. Success is composed of hard work, persistence, and talent, so I created another formula: Realizing ideals = hard work + persistence + talent. If a person has an ideal, has the talent that has been trained since childhood, works hard to realize it, and continues to persevere if he fails, then the ideal will be realized.
Of course I know that it is not easy to be a chemist. You need to have a high degree of education, a strong thirst for knowledge, imagination, and a spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and failure. "A child who wants to be a chemist is too naive!" Yes, it does sound naive, but I firmly believe that "as long as there is perseverance, an iron pillar can be ground into a needle."
In order to realize this ideal, I have spent a lot of effort. I read every book thoroughly and absorbed all the knowledge in it. Once, I started reading at noon. I felt that not long after I read, my father asked me to go down to eat. I was very surprised. I looked outside the house and saw that it was already dusk. This is how I absorb all aspects of knowledge every day, constantly shortening the distance between my ideals and reality.
I continue to absorb experience and knowledge in life. In terms of study, I listened carefully to the lectures and spoke actively; when performing, I actively acted as a small host; when debating, I expressed my own opinions and theories... When I grow up, I will use this knowledge to strive to be a chemist. Home.
“You can’t drain the spring water, and you can’t finish learning knowledge.” But as long as you are willing to learn, you can learn no matter how much knowledge you have. "The sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly." I am like a fish, swimming freely in the vast ocean of future. Which future I choose is my own choice.
But in this ocean of future, everything cannot be without storms, but I am full of confidence. I have the confidence to break through all difficulties, pursue my ideals, realize my ideals, and win glory for my motherland!