1, Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement. The capacity of the earth is limited, so a gentleman must constantly cultivate his own virtue to undertake the world.
A gentleman should be like a sky, constantly striving for self-improvement, resolute and resolute, and constantly striving for self-improvement; The potential of the earth is thick and slippery, and the gentleman is tolerant.
Heaven (that is, nature) is just strong, accordingly, a gentleman should strive for progress, be resolute and strong, and not be lazy, just like heaven; The earth absorbs sunlight and nourishes everything. A gentleman should increase his morality and set an example.
2. It's a long way to go, and I will go up and down.
In the pursuit of truth (true knowledge), the road ahead is still very long, but I will persevere and spare no effort to pursue and explore.
Li Sao is Qu Yuan's masterpiece. Qu Yuan's illness, Chu Huaiwang's refusal to listen, flattery to cover up the Ming Dynasty, and intolerable evil songs that harmed the people led him to write Li Sao. Li Sao is a magnificent lyric poem, which has a lofty position in the history of literature. Written when Qu Yuan was exiled to the south, it was a patriotic work of the poet.
3, wealth can not be lewd, poverty can not be moved, power can not be bent.
Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will.
"If you are poor, you can't move." The more popular expression should be "If you are poor, you can't give up." What can't you give up? It is ideal, morality and all the principles of being a man; This is the spiritual sustenance of the poor for many years, and it is also a "flood dam" built by the poor for their own morality for many years. The so-called "flood control dam" means that if there is no such dam, people can't help being caught in the torrent.