Cao Chong said that the third grade English text was translated into Chinese.

Cao Chong said that he liked the English text of Grade Three.

Keywords: text

English [[tekst]]


Text; Text; theme

send a text message

[plural: text; ; Third person singular: text; ; Present participle: send text messages; ; Past tense: texted;; Past participle: texted]]


Text editor Text editor; Text editor; Text editing; Text editing program

Changes in the use of words: text


The basic meaning of "1" and "text" is "text", which refers to the main part of a book as opposed to notes, charts and illustrations, and is an uncountable noun.

2.text can also refer to the original text of a speech, article, etc. ) ",usually used in the singular form, is often placed before the definite article the, and then often used with the preposition of.

3. Text can also be interpreted as "version", "textbook" and "biblical words", which are countable nouns.