2. The corresponding standard of "no littering" is: put the garbage into the trash can, "bag" it here, and pack it with plastic bags, tie it tightly and put it away.
At the designated garbage collection point.
3. The corresponding standard of "don't damage public property" is: take care of all public facilities, including not doodling on the wall, and stop, criticize and help damage public property.
4. The corresponding norms of "no damage to greening" are: actively planting trees and greening, voluntarily managing trees and green spaces, and enhancing everyone's awareness of protecting green spaces.
5. The corresponding norm of "Don't jaywalk" is that pedestrians should walk on sidewalks, cross lanes with lane boundaries or center lines, and take crosswalks, footbridges or underground passages.
6. The corresponding rule of "no smoking in public places" is: strongly advocate quitting smoking, and smokers should smoke in designated places.
7. The norm corresponding to "no swearing" is that speaking should be civilized, decent and polite.