I beg for all the songs in the "New Christmas Animation Songs Collection"!!

The first song The Cruel Angel’s Program The second song You Get To Burning

3 Stand Up To Tth Victory 4 The Elegy of the Victor

5 Just Communication 6 ペガサス Fantasy

7 サムライハート8 I'll Come

9 Smile Explosion 10 Velvet Underworld

11 Ronbu-Revolution 12 Otome のポリシー

13 りりかSos 14 ゆずれない愿い15 Catch You Catch Me

16 チャチャにおまかせ17 たそがれロンリー

18めざせ1st episode!! 19 Dreaming of れば 梦も梦じゃない

20 Love in Time and Space