On May 22, 22, Academician Yuan Longping passed away in Changsha, which was a very sad news for Chinese people. On that day, countless Chinese people expressed their reverence and mourning for Yuan Longping. Academician Yuan Longping died, which is a great loss for the country, because there is no Yuan Longping. Careful efforts, where did everyone get enough to eat now? Yuan Longping's contribution to food is very outstanding, which can be said to be unprecedented. Now, many people come to mourn for Yuan Longping and Yuan Longping in many ways. On the way to the funeral home in Yuan Longping, there is a 91-second video to remember Yuan Longping. What does this 91-second video mean? Yuan Longping died at the age of 91, so he made a 91-second video. Let's see what this one-second video contains.
A crowd of people saw Changsha off
As soon as I entered the page of this video, I saw a sea of people in Yuan Longping. Get a fare and cry. I thought Academician Yuan Longping sent flowers, and some people wanted to record this last moment with their mobile phones. This is not a memorial to Yuan Longping, but also a reverence for Academician Yuan Longping. Not everyone ate every mouthful of rice cooked by Grandpa Yuan Longping, but he left at this time. We were really sad. In front of the hearse, many people were crying, and some people were shaking with their hands holding flowers. Two cars honk
When the hearse goes around Changsha, there will be pedestrians at every traffic light, and some car drivers stop to honk. At the intersection of traffic lights, whether it is a red light or a green light, the zero car is allowed to stop, while other drivers are waiting for their horns to express their condolences to Academician Yuan Longping and their reverence for Academician Yuan Longping. Although it was only shown through a short video, it was enough to show the Chinese people's competition for Academician Yuan Longping and the dedication of Academician Yuan Longping to the people of the whole country. Academician Yuan Longping's self-report
Yuan Longping once won the * * * and the National Medal Award. In this 9-second video, it is said that this is the highest award he has won. He has won many awards in his life, but the * * * and the National Medal Award is the highest honor. Don't see Academician Yuan Longping's affirmation of China and China's * * * production party. He didn't feel complacent because of this, but still went to the fields to see his rice fields. It can be seen that Yuan Lao will be eternal.