The boat floated gently on the water, and the breeze blew the clothes. Ask pedestrians the way ahead, only hate that the morning light is dim and the sky is not bright. Finally I saw my humble home, and I galloped forward happily. The servants greeted them happily, and the children waited at the door. The path in the courtyard is overgrown with weeds, and the pines, cypresses and chrysanthemums are still there; I took the children into the house, and the wine was full. I picked up the hip flask and drank it myself, looking at the court tree made me smile; Leaning against the south window, I am proud of the world and feel that this small place is easy to make me feel at ease. The door of the small garden is often closed, so it is interesting to walk (alone) in the garden every day; Walking on crutches, always looking up into the distance. White clouds naturally float out of the hole, and tired birds know to fly back to their nests; The sun is dim, and the sun is about to set. I can't bear to leave, and my hands are lonely and loose.
Come back! I want to break up with secular people. Everything about them doesn't suit my interest. What do you want from driving out again? What are you still thinking about? Talking to the old people in the village, playing the piano, reading books, and relieving their worries are so fun; The farmer told me that it was spring and he was going to farm in the west. Sometimes driving a towel cart, sometimes rowing a boat, we not only have to explore deep valleys, but also walk through rugged hills. Trees are lush and springs are flowing slowly. I envy everything when it should be, sighing that my life is coming to an end.
Forget it! How much time is left in the world? Why not go or stay according to your own mind? Why do you want to go somewhere when you are distracted? Wealth is not what I want, and there is no hope of ascending to heaven. Cherish the beautiful scenery and I will enjoy it alone, or I will help the seedlings grow with crutches. Climbing up the eastern hillside, I screamed at the edge of Qingxi and recited poems; Let's end our lives naturally and take pleasure in our fate. Hesitate about what?