1, see the sea. On the east coast, climb Jieshi Mountain to see the vast sea. The sea is so vast that the islands stand high on the sea. Trees and paraquat are very lush. Autumn wind makes trees make sad sounds, and the sea is surging. The movement of the sun and the moon seems to come from the vast ocean. A trip to the sun and the moon, if unexpected; Han is a talented star, if you take him by surprise. I am glad to use this poem to express my inner desire. 2. A berth at the foot of Beibao Mountain.
Under the blue mountain, my boat and I meandered along the green water.
Until the river bank widens at low tide, and no wind blows my lonely sail.
... night gives way to the ocean of the sun, and the old year melts in freshness.
I can finally send my messenger, the wild goose, back to Luoyang.