Job 12: 2 "You are a nation! When you die, your wisdom dies. 」
So far, we can't agree with the annotation scholars who saw irony in job's statement; However, their views can't be wrong here. He was right to respond with ridicule, because he felt that I … had become the laughing stock of my friends (v. 4). It is not clear what he meant by mocking you as a person (the article used by RSV does not appear in Hebrew, which makes it difficult to explain), because the word people is very common, and some people have replaced it with another word that they think is more suitable; -Notes on Tindal's Bible
"But I also have understanding, just like you, and I'm not worse than you. Who doesn't know what you said? 」
Job retorted that he was a donkey (1 1: 12) and replied that he was at least as clever as his friend. The pronoun used is plural, and he is talking to all of them; In fact, what they say is common sense, so there is no need to disagree. When he talked about the word of God, he seemed to express this belief in unity. On closer inspection, however, it can be seen that Job has increased his own emphasis. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
Job 12: 4 "I called on God, and what Monta answered turned out to be a joke of my friend. The righteous and the perfect are laughed at. 」
Bo 12: 4 ~ 6 We don't know how these poems play a transfer role, from his initial reproach to the main poem in verses 7 ~ 25. The main point seems to be this: the wisdom of Friends does not explain the contradiction between Job's situation (the honest and perfect person becomes the victim of a smile) and the situation of a comfortable robber; This opposite situation is even more extreme, because job called on God, but the robbers "delivered their gods into their hands" (RSV); It seems straightforward to interpret the first sentence as a hint of Job's good relationship with God in the past, but Rowley thinks that "these words were ridiculed by Job from his friends, and they think that God answered Job through his troubles" (p. 1 12), but this is incredible, and the participle used here does not imply the present situation. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
Job 12: 5 "People who are at ease despise disaster in their hearts, and this disaster often waits for slippers. 」
Job 12: 6 "The tents of robbers are prosperous, and those who make God angry are stable, and God gives them many possessions. 」
"Ask the wild animals, they will teach you, ask the birds in the air, they will tell you; 」
The Book of Job 12: 7 ~ 8 here is changed from plural to singular, as if Job is now focusing on one of his friends; But another possibility is that Job quoted what one of them said to him to prepare for his argument, which occupies the rest of this chapter. Here, the quotation format, such as "You said …", is not used to confirm the identity of the person who said these quotations, which is quite subtle and has far-reaching influence on the interpretation, because the quoted words do not necessarily represent the speaker's opinion. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
"Or talk to the earth, the earth will teach you, and the fish in the sea will explain it to you. 」
Look at all this, who doesn't know that the hand of the Lord has done it? 」
Bo 12: 9 ~ 10 Everything is made by the hand of the Lord, which is an indisputable fact (section 10a). But when the same principle is applied to human breathing (section 10b), the result is very confusing. It is often pointed out that verse 9 is the only place in this poem where the name Yahweh is used to refer to God. Because of this, many people once doubted its authenticity, and some people advocated deleting this word out of the idea that "this word will separate the original prose content from the additional poetry content", which is a kind of circular theory. From different angles, this word has unparalleled importance, because its rarity makes it so attractive; At this critical moment, Job still sticks to what he originally said at 2 1, where he used this sacred name. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
Job 12: 10 "The life of all living things and the breath of people are in his hands. 」
Job 12: 1 1 "Doesn't the ear test words, just like tasting food? 」
Bob XII11~12 Because these lines interrupt the continuity between 10 and 13, the New English Bible puts them in brackets. This makes sense, because this question sounds like a narrative from a friend, and it seems that taking wisdom as the privilege of the elderly is not the opinion that Job would hold. The epigram quoted in section 1 1 may be an excuse to criticize the experimental opinions (words) like eating food (the metaphor of tasting words has been used in Liu Bo \ CS166,7); But it may also be complaining that his friends are enjoying the sweet talk, which is his revenge for the attack in Bildad on August 2. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
Bo 12 12 "Old people have wisdom, and those who live long have knowledge. 」
Bo 12: 13 "God has wisdom and ability, as well as strategy and knowledge. 」
Sections 14 ~ 25 give a long description of God's actions, implying that there is no difference between good and evil. Most examples prove that God has destroyed people's achievements, and the key idea seems to be that "the seduced and the seduced" are also "his" (section 16b). Just in case, lest this sentence imply that God is capricious or blind, Job insists that the power of God is always accompanied by wisdom, strategy and knowledge, and has an understandable purpose. These behaviors are well thought out, although it is difficult for people to see their significance or moral rationality. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
Bo 12: 14 "What he destroyed cannot be built again; He binds people, but he can't release them; 」
Bo 12 14 ~ 15 is between nature and history, and no boundary is drawn to separate them. How can the story created in Genesis be continuously transferred to Abraham's story? In the same way, we can perceive the unity of the world in which people live and the earth, sky, water and surrounding things under the absolute control of God. If we talk about any special event here, it is the flood. For example, the verb retention is a word used in Genesis VII 16. However, word translation is unique to overthrowing Sodom and Gomorrah. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
Bo 12: 15 "He kept the water and it dried up; He sends it out again, and it turns the earth. 」
Bo 12: 16 "Because of his ability and wisdom, both the seduced and the seduced belong to him. 」
12: 17 "He stripped the counselors of their clothes, carried them away, and turned the judges into fools. 」
Bo 12 17 ~ 25 except that verse 22 sounds more like a state of primitive creation, the rest of this poem discusses in detail what happened on the stage of human history. The listed counselors, judges, kings, priests, capable people, faithful people, old people, princes (translated by Lu), powerful people and leaders are a series of disasters. It is not necessary to find out specific historical events, because there are too many examples to count. These damages have not been interpreted as the judgment of the wicked, so that God's justice can be defended. The point is: all these great men are just insignificant people in God's fingers; Moreover, the destructive force in history is not only natural disasters, such as floods (15b). Job analyzed the collapse of society and traced the reason back to the more inner activity of God in human mind. He took away wisdom ... (v. 24a) and the leader's ability to speak and wisdom (v. 20). Although we noticed accidental release (18) or forceful action (23), we did not trace it back to any moral reason, which was offset by commensurate plunder (19) or disintegration (23). What Job described is a universal fact. The use of participles in this poem makes it a chant of God's attributes, which is equivalent to his name. This is a false creed; If it imitates the similar poem of Eliphaz in May 18, it is distorted into a humorous adaptation poem, in which the positive aspects (healing after injury and release after exile) are either deleted by Job or reversed. Power rises and falls, and people are always dark. -Notes on Tindal's Bible
12: 18 "He untied the king and tied their waists with a belt. 」
"12: 19" He stripped the priests of their clothes, took them into exile and defeated the warriors. 」
Job 12: 20 "He takes away the words of the faithful and the wisdom of the elderly. 」
Bo 12: 2 1 "He humiliated the king and loosened the belt of the powerful. 」
Job 12: 22 "He revealed profound things from darkness and made the shadow of death appear bright. 」
"job 12: 23" he made the nations prosper, destroyed them, expanded them and led them into exile. 」
"job 12: 24" he took away the wisdom of the leaders of the inhabitants of the earth and made them wander in desolate and pathless places. 」
Bo 12: 24 In ancient times, there were many such examples. A leader's wisdom was taken away, and a king suffered from the pursuit of honor. Jigmus pursued immortality for himself and went to the ends of the earth; Pursuit of Bonidu as a religion (economy? Self-exile to Tema for thirteen years; Persian pursuit of militarism tried to expand westward to the Mediterranean, and the result ended in fiasco. This is the result of arrogance and infinite self-indulgence -The Old Testament Background Notes
Bo 12: 25 "They have no light and grope in the dark, making them stagger like drunken people." 」