Fu Tianbao should be a scholar at first. At the end of Tianbao, "three gifts" were presented. Xuanzong, curious, called for a trial essay and awarded Jingzhao the prefect Cao to join the army. In fifteen years, Lushan was trapped in the capital, and Su Zong surrendered Lingwu. Just fled to Hexi from Shijing Night, lived in Pengyuan County, and worshipped the right to collect bones. When you are dressed in clothes, charitable, and prime minister, ask yourself to be a thief, and the emperor will agree. That year 10, the soldiers were obliquely defeated by Chen Tao. Next spring, I will say goodbye. It's not appropriate to dismiss a person who is just careless and talented. When Su Zong was angry, he was dismissed as the secretariat, and just joined the army as the Four Duke of Huazhou. When Guanji was in chaos, food in the valley was expensive and he lived in Tonggu County, Chengzhou. His salary is paid by himself, and his children are starving. For a long time, it was called filling Zhao Jingfu's meritorious deeds.
In the winter of the second year of Shang Yuan, Huang Men and Zheng Guogong, assistant ministers of Yanwu Town, played as ministers of the Ministry of Industry and gave flying fish bags. Both Wu and Fu are old and have long treatment. Just arrogant, reckless, arrogant. Taste the martial arts drunken bed and stare at wuyue: "Yan Ting has this son!" "Although martial arts is very violent, they are not embarrassed. I just planted bamboo and trees in Huanhua, Chengdu, built a house and slept by the river, drinking and chanting, and swinging with the fields. Yanwu, sometimes not a crown, is a proud birthday. In the summer of the first year of Yongtai, he became a soldier and was helpless. However, Chengdu, the town of Daiwu, Guo Yingai and the British soldiers were rude and incompetent, so they traveled to Sichuan according to high standards. When you come, it's appropriate to die. It was the age when Cui Ning killed Yingwa and Yang Zilin attacked Xichuan, causing chaos in Shu. It's just that he followed his family to avoid the chaos of Jing and Chu, and took a boat down the gorge. It was not the chaos of the boat and Jiangling, but he went back along the Hunan River, traveled to Hengshan Mountain and lived in Leiyang. I just tasted the Yue Temple, but I was blocked by the raging water and couldn't eat for ten days. Nie Lingzhi from Leiyang got off the boat and returned. In the second year of Yongtai, he spit beef and white wine and died in Leiyang overnight at the age of 59.
Zi Zongwu lived in Huxiang and died. Yuan Hezhong, the son of Zongwu, moved to Leiyang and was buried in front of shouyangshan in the northwest of Yanshi County. (Excerpted from Old Tang Book? Du Fu Biography)
Du Fu, with beautiful words, was originally from Xiangyang and later moved to Gongxian County, Henan Province. Great-grandfather Du, the official position finally went to Gong County as a county magistrate. Grandfather Du, the official position finally went to Yuanwailang in the food and beverage department, and had a biography. Father Du Xian, the official position finally arrived at the county magistrate of Fengtian County.
Du Fu failed to get into Jinshi in Tianbao's early years. At the end of Tianbao, I presented three gifts of my own-Fu. Xuanzong thought this poem was very well written, so he asked him to take the composition test and sealed him as a soldier Cao of Jingzhao House. In the fifteenth year of Tianbao, An Lushan captured the capital, and Su Zong recruited soldiers in Lingwu. Du Fu fled from Beijing to Hexi area at night, and met Su Zong in Pengyuan County, where he was named the right addendum. Fang Yi had a good relationship with Du Fu in civilian times. At that time, Fang Yi served as prime minister and asked Su Zong to personally lead the army to fight traitors. The emperor allowed him. In October this year, Fang's army was defeated. The following spring, Yan was dismissed as prime minister. Du Fu said that Gui Fang is still talented and should not be deleted. Su Zong was furious, and he was sent down to the secretariat, driving Du Fu out of Beijing and joining the army as a senior official in Zhongzhou. At that time, Beijing was in turmoil, and food suddenly became very expensive. Du Fu lived in Tonggu County, Chengzhou, and had to carry firewood to collect oak chestnuts. Several children starved to death. After a while, he was recalled as a Gongcao of Jingzhao House.
In the winter of the second year of Shang Yuan, assistant minister Huang Men and Yanwu Zheng Guogong guarded Chengdu, told the emperor that Du Fu was appointed as the staff officer of our time and Yuan Wailang of Shangshu Industry Department, and gave him a fish bag. Yanwu and Du Fu are family friends, and they are very kind to Du Fu. However, Du Fu was narrow-minded and impetuous, with little tolerance, and indulged himself with kindness. Once I got drunk and boarded the sofa in Yanwu, staring at Yanwu and saying, "Your father Yan Ting has a son like you!" Although Yanwu is impatient and violent, he doesn't think he is disobedient. Du Fu planted bamboo in Huanhua Village, Chengdu, built a house with the Yangtze River under his pillow, drank and sang, and hung out in the fields with some rude husbands. Yanwu went to visit him, and sometimes he didn't wear an official hat. He is so arrogant and careless. In the summer of the first year of Yongtai, Yanwu died and Du Fu was helpless. When he arrived in Guo Yingai to guard Chengdu instead of Yanwu, Yingying was a soldier. He was very rude. Du Fu couldn't visit him, so he went to Shu Dong to be with Gao Shi. When he arrived, Gao Shi died. This year, Cui Ning killed Yingwa, Yang Zilin captured surprisingly, and Shu was in chaos. Du Fu took his family to Jingchu area to escape the war and went down to the Three Gorges by boat, but Jiangling was in turmoil before landing, so he went upstream along the Xiangjiang River, traveled to Hengshan and lived in Leiyang. Du Fu once played in Yuemiao Temple in Leiyang, but he was blocked by the flood and could not eat for more than ten days. Nie Ling of Leiyang learned the news and rowed a boat to welcome Du Fu back. In the second year of Yongtai, Du Fu ate beef liquor and died overnight in Leiyang at the age of 59.
Du Fu's son, Zong Wu, lived in Hu and Xiang and died. During the Yuanhe period, the son of Zongwu inherited the business, moved Du Fu's coffin out of Leiyang and buried it in front of shouyangshan in the northwest of Yanshi County.
2. A short story about Du Fu. After Tang Jun recovered Chang 'an, Du Fu also returned to Chang 'an with many officials.
Tang Suzong sent him to Huazhou (now Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province) to be a small official in charge of sacrifice and school work. Du Fu came to Iowa with frustration.
At that time, Chang 'an and Luoyang were recaptured by loyalists, but the Anshi Rebellion was not eliminated and the war was still fierce. Tang Jun has recruited able-bodied men everywhere to supplement troops, and the people can't live.
One day, Du Fu passed Shihao Village (in the southeast of Shaanxi County, Henan Province), and it was very late. He went to a poor family for the night and was received by the old farmer and his wife.
In the middle of the night, when he was tossing and turning, there was a sudden knock at the door. Du Fu listened quietly in the room, only to hear the old man next door climb over the back wall and escape. The old lady answered the door at the same time.
Officials sent by the government to arrest able-bodied men entered the house. They screamed and asked the old woman, "Where is your man?" The old woman cried and said, "My three children have all gone to Yecheng to fight. Two days ago, a son wrote that both brothers died on the battlefield. There is only one daughter-in-law and one nursing grandson at home.
Who else do you want? "The old woman said many entreaties, but the police officers still refused to give up. The old woman had no choice but to be taken away by the officers and go to the barracks to work as a coolie for the soldiers.
At dawn, Du Fu went out and the old farmer was the only one to see him off. Du Fu was very upset when he saw this sad scene with his own eyes. He wrote this story into a poem called "The Stone Excavator".
When he was in Iowa, he wrote six such poems, which were collectively called "three officials and three parting" (Shi Haoguan, Tongguan official, Xin 'an official, newly married, resigned, homeless). Because most of Du Fu's poems describe the sufferings of the people in the An Shi Rebellion and reflect the process from prosperity to decline in the Tang Dynasty, people call his poems "the history of poetry".
3. Introduce Du Fu's Book of the Old Tang Dynasty and Du Fu's biography in classical Chinese. Du Fu, a native of Xiangyang, moved to Gongxian County, Henan Province.
Great-grandfather followed the art and finally made his position. Zu Shen Yan, the last member of the catering department, has his own biography.
When my father is free, he will eventually serve heaven. Fu Tianbao should be a scholar at first.
At the end of Tianbao, "three gifts" were presented. Xuanzong, curious, called for a trial essay and awarded Jingzhao the prefect Cao to join the army.
In fifteen years, Lushan was trapped in the capital, and Su Zong surrendered Lingwu. Just fled to Hexi from Shijing Night, lived in Pengyuan County, and worshipped the right to collect bones.
When you are dressed in clothes, charitable, and prime minister, ask yourself to be a thief, and the emperor will agree. That year 10, the soldiers were obliquely defeated by Chen Tao.
Next spring, I will say goodbye. It's not appropriate to dismiss a person who is just careless and talented.
When Su Zong was angry, he was dismissed as the secretariat, and just joined the army as the Four Duke of Huazhou. When Guanji was in chaos, food in the valley was expensive and he lived in Tonggu County, Chengzhou. His salary is paid by himself, and his children are starving.
For a long time, it was called filling Zhao Jingfu's meritorious deeds. In the winter of the second year of Shang Yuan, Huang Men and Zheng Guogong, assistant ministers of Yanwu Town, played as ministers of the Ministry of Industry and gave flying fish bags.
Both Wu and Fu are old and have long treatment. Just arrogant, reckless, arrogant.
Taste the martial arts drunken bed and stare at wuyue: "Yan Ting has this son!" "Although martial arts is very violent, they are not embarrassed. I just planted bamboo and trees in Huanhua, Chengdu, built a house and slept by the river, drinking and chanting, and swinging with the fields.
Yanwu, sometimes not a crown, is a proud birthday. In the summer of the first year of Yongtai, he became a soldier and was helpless.
However, Chengdu, the town of Daiwu, Guo Yingai and the British soldiers were rude and incompetent, so they traveled to Sichuan according to high standards. When you come, it's appropriate to die.
It was the age when Cui Ning killed Yingwa and Yang Zilin attacked Xichuan, causing chaos in Shu. It's just that he followed his family to avoid the chaos of Jing and Chu, and took a boat down the gorge. It was not the chaos of the boat and Jiangling, but he went back along the Hunan River, traveled to Hengshan Mountain and lived in Leiyang.
I just tasted the Yue Temple, but I was blocked by the raging water and couldn't eat for ten days. Nie Lingzhi from Leiyang got off the boat and returned.
In the second year of Yongtai, he spit beef and white wine and died in Leiyang overnight at the age of 59. Zi Zongwu lived in Huxiang and died.
Yuan Hezhong, the son of Zongwu, moved to Leiyang and was buried in front of shouyangshan in the northwest of Yanshi County. (Excerpted from Old Tang Book? Du Fu was originally from Xiangyang and later moved to Gongxian County, Henan Province.
Great-grandfather Du, the official position finally went to Gong County as a county magistrate. Grandfather Du, the official position finally went to Yuanwailang in the food and beverage department, and had a biography.
Father Du Xian, the official position finally arrived at the county magistrate of Fengtian County. Du Fu failed to get into Jinshi in Tianbao's early years.
At the end of Tianbao, I presented three gifts of my own-Fu. Xuanzong thought this poem was very well written, so he asked him to take the composition test and sealed him as a soldier Cao of Jingzhao House.
In the fifteenth year of Tianbao, An Lushan captured the capital, and Su Zong recruited soldiers in Lingwu. Du Fu fled from Beijing to Hexi area at night, and met Su Zong in Pengyuan County, where he was named the right addendum.
Fang Yi had a good relationship with Du Fu in civilian times. At that time, Fang Yi served as prime minister and asked Su Zong to personally lead the army to fight traitors. The emperor allowed him. In October this year, Fang's army was defeated.
The following spring, Yan was dismissed as prime minister. Du Fu said that Gui Fang is still talented and should not be deleted.
Su Zong was furious, and he was sent down to the secretariat, driving Du Fu out of Beijing and joining the army as a senior official in Zhongzhou. At that time, Beijing was in turmoil, and food suddenly became very expensive. Du Fu lived in Tonggu County, Chengzhou, and had to carry firewood to collect oak chestnuts. Several children starved to death.
After a while, he was recalled as a Gongcao of Jingzhao House. In the winter of the second year of Shang Yuan, assistant minister Huang Men and Yanwu Zheng Guogong guarded Chengdu, told the emperor that Du Fu was appointed as the staff officer of our time and Yuan Wailang of Shangshu Industry Department, and gave him a fish bag.
Yanwu and Du Fu are family friends, and they are very kind to Du Fu. However, Du Fu was narrow-minded and impetuous, with little tolerance, and indulged himself with kindness.
Once I got drunk and boarded the sofa in Yanwu, staring at Yanwu and saying, "Your father Yan Ting has a son like you!" Although Yanwu is impatient and violent, he doesn't think he is disobedient. Du Fu planted bamboo in Huanhua Village, Chengdu, built a house with the Yangtze River under his pillow, drank and sang, and hung out in the fields with some rude husbands.
Yanwu went to visit him, and sometimes he didn't wear an official hat. He is so arrogant and careless. In the summer of the first year of Yongtai, Yanwu died and Du Fu was helpless.
When he arrived in Guo Yingai to guard Chengdu instead of Yanwu, Yingying was a soldier. He was very rude. Du Fu couldn't visit him, so he went to Shu Dong to be with Gao Shi. When he arrived, Gao Shi died.
This year, Cui Ning killed Yingwa, Yang Zilin captured surprisingly, and Shu was in chaos. Du Fu took his family to Jingchu area to escape the war and went down to the Three Gorges by boat, but Jiangling was in turmoil before landing, so he went upstream along the Xiangjiang River, traveled to Hengshan and lived in Leiyang.
Du Fu once played in Yuemiao Temple in Leiyang, but he was blocked by the flood and could not eat for more than ten days. Nie Ling of Leiyang learned the news and rowed a boat to welcome Du Fu back.
In the second year of Yongtai, Du Fu ate beef liquor and died overnight in Leiyang at the age of 59. Du Fu, a Book of the New Tang Dynasty, is the original text, with beautiful words, little poverty and no self-vibration. It is a tour of wuyue and Zhao Qi.
Li Yong's wonderful material, go and have a look first. I was admitted to the Jinshi, but I missed the first place and was trapped in Chang 'an.
In the thirteenth year of Tianbao, Xuanzong presented the Taiqing Palace, temples and suburbs, and just wrote three poems. The emperor was surprised, so he made Jixian Academy as an envoy, ordered the Prime Minister to try writing, refused to worship, and changed his right back to lead Cao Cao to join the army.
On the number of tributes, he claimed to be Tao because of his high position, saying, "I forgive my predecessors, and I have been a Confucian official for the eleventh time since then. I have tried my best to judge my words and show the Han Sect with my words." Minister Lai Xuye was resigned at the age of seven and was naked for forty years. He often delivers meals to people, fearing that he will turn to death and will be pitied by the emperor.
If we stick to the story of the first minister for a long time, the story of the minister is not enough to advocate the Six Classics, but when Shen Yu is frustrated, he can always give it to Yang Xiong and Gao Mei. If there is such a minister, will your majesty bear it? "Lushan mountain chaos, the son of heaven into shu, to avoid sanchuan.
Sue, since she left Zhangzhou, wanted to run away and was earned by thieves. In the second year of Zhide, Fengxiang died and went to worship, worship power and pick up bones.
Make friends with the house, take Dong as the guest, and stop being the prime minister. He just said, "There is no punishment for sin, and it is not appropriate to exempt ministers."
The emperor was angry and asked the third division. Prime Minister Zhang Gao said, "If you just make amends, you will make a slip of the tongue."
The emperor is the solution. Just after thanking him, he said, "I am the prime minister, and I seldom pretend to be an alcoholic and a Confucian. I have the figure of a minister. When it comes to Yan Xu, I can be as good as a public assistant. Your majesty is responsible for this.
Looking at it deeply, it means color, but naturally it is lost in simplicity. Cool guqin lovers.
4. A short story about Du Fu. After Tang Jun recovered Chang 'an, Du Fu also returned to Chang 'an with many officials. Tang Suzong sent him to Huazhou (now Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province) to be a small official in charge of sacrifice and school work. Du Fu came to Iowa with frustration. At that time, Chang 'an and Luoyang were recaptured by loyalists, but the Anshi Rebellion was not eliminated and the war was still fierce. Tang Jun has recruited able-bodied men everywhere to supplement troops, and the people can't live. One day, Du Fu passed Shihao Village (in the southeast of Shaanxi County, Henan Province), and it was very late. He went to a poor family for the night and was received by the old farmer and his wife. In the middle of the night, when he was tossing and turning, there was a sudden knock at the door. Du Fu listened quietly in the room, only to hear the old man next door climb over the back wall and escape. The old lady answered the door at the same time.
Officials sent by the government to arrest able-bodied men entered the house. They screamed and asked the old woman, "Where is your man?"
The old woman cried and said, "My three children have all gone to Yecheng to fight. Two days ago, a son wrote that both brothers died on the battlefield.
There is only one daughter-in-law and one nursing grandson at home. Who else do you want? "
The old woman made many entreaties, but the officials still refused to give up. The old woman had no choice but to be taken away by the officers and go to the barracks to work as a coolie for the soldiers.
At dawn, Du Fu went out and the old farmer was the only one to see him off.
Du Fu was very upset when he saw this sad scene with his own eyes. He wrote this story into a poem called "The Stone Excavator". When he was in Iowa, he wrote six such poems, which were collectively called "three officials and three parting" (Shi Haoguan, Tongguan official, Xin 'an official, newly married, resigned, homeless). Because most of Du Fu's poems describe the sufferings of the people in the An Shi Rebellion and reflect the process from prosperity to decline in the Tang Dynasty, people call his poems "the history of poetry".
5. Introduction to Du Fu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty: classical Chinese; New Tang book; Du Fu's Biography of Du Fu; Beautiful words; Jingzhao people.
Poverty is not self-sufficiency. I was admitted to the Jinshi, but I missed the first place and was trapped in Chang 'an.
In the thirteenth year of Tianbao, he wrote three poems. You Wei led Fu to join the army.
On the number of fu, he claimed to be Tao because of his height, and said: the first minister is exempt, anticipates, inherits Confucianism and guards eleven officials, and judges words with words. Minister Lai Xuye was resigned at the age of seven and was naked for forty years. He often delivers food to people.
I was afraid that I would turn to death, but I was pitied by the emperor. If we take the story of the first minister as an example and discredit it for a long time, then the story of the minister is not enough to advocate the Six Classics. First, count the children until they are depressed and sensitive at any time. Yang Xiong and Gomez can reach it.
With such a minister, your majesty will bear it! Lushan Mountain rebellion, the son of heaven into Shu, just to avoid Sanchuan. Sue, since she left Zhangzhou, wanted to run away and was earned by thieves.
After two years in Germany, Fengxiang died. He made friends with Fang Guan, and when he was defeated, he stopped talking about Guest Dong. He just said it was inappropriate to exempt the minister from minor crimes.
The emperor was angry and asked the third division. Prime Minister Zhang Gao said: "If you just make amends, you will break your promise." .
The emperor also solved, no longer ask. At that time, he was captured by Kou, the family lived at home, and his children were weak and starved to death, because Chui Fu went to the province to see.
From returning to the capital, he joined the army for Huazhou Sigong. Guan Fu is hungry, so he needs to give up his official position.
Guest in Qin Zhou, self-sufficient in picking acorns and millet with a negative salary. Living in Jiannan, Yingcaotang Chengdu Xiguo Huanhuaxi.
Give up Yanwu foil and go to Yi Yan. Wu Zaishuai Jiannan, Table Staff Officer, Proofreading Department Yuan Wailang.
Take advantage of the past, be kind to you and care for your family. Tracy and others are in chaos. They just go back and forth between Ziqi and Kui.
During the Dali period, when you leave Qutang, you can go back to Yuan and climb Hengshan Mountain in Hunan, which is suitable for Leiyang. Because of the sudden flood in Leiyang and Yuemiao, I couldn't eat for ten days.
The county magistrate greeted him with a boat, but he got back. In order to set up the cow roast white wine, he died drunk, aged 59.
Only open up without self-examination, talk about world affairs, high without cutting. Like Li Bai, he was named Du Li.
A few messy smells are quite innocent. Sing a poem, when you are hurt, you will be weak and you will never forget your feelings. Everyone will pity you.
The tomb is in Yueyang. A total of 60 volumes, handed down from generation to generation.
6. Legend about Du Fu's story One day, Du Fu pestered his aunt to tell a story.
My aunt said, "There are many famous people in the Du family. Du Yu (see this book 12), a famous Jin Dynasty soldier, is our thirteenth generation distant ancestor. He fought bravely and made great contributions to the court.
People even write songs to praise him! ""it's amazing! " Du Fu gave a thumbs-up and praised your grandfather (Du) as a famous poet. His poems were rewarded by the emperor, and people praised him as a talented scholar. "
These stories greatly inspired Du Fu. He studies hard, studies hard and practices hard. At the age of seven, he wrote his first poem, Ode to the Phoenix.
One day, he showed his father an article he had written, and it happened that two guests were visiting. They also watched with interest.
"This masterpiece is like the handwriting of Ban Gu and Yang Xiong (a famous writer in Han Dynasty)!" The guests said after reading it. Since then, the two guests often praised Du Fu and took him to a family proficient in melody to listen to the wonderful music of Li Guinian, a famous court musician at that time.
This has a great influence on him. Du Fu paid great attention to the skill of writing poems all his life. "The language is not amazing."
7. Du Fu's story or introduction to Du Fu is beautiful.
Like Li Bai, he is one of the most famous great poets in the Tang Dynasty. In the history of literature, they are collectively called "Du Li".
Du Fu was originally from Gongxian County, Henan Province. He grew up in a declining bureaucratic family. He studied hard since childhood, traveled to many famous mountains and rivers, and wrote many excellent poems. In his thirties, he met Li Bai in Luoyang.
Du Fu is eleven years younger than Li Bai. They have different personalities, but their common interests make them close friends.
Later, I went to Chang 'an to take the Jinshi exam. At that time, it was when Li was in power. Li is most jealous of literati. He is afraid that these lower-level literati will become officials and talk about the failure of state affairs, which is not good for him. So he colluded with the examiner and lied to Xuanzong that none of the candidates passed the exam. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was wondering, and Li wrote another congratulatory letter, saying that this just shows that the emperor is wise, the talented people have been appointed, and there are no talents left by the people.
Scholars at that time regarded the imperial examination as a way to find a way out. Du Fu was depressed, so it goes without saying that he was depressed. He lived a poor and miserable life in Chang 'an, witnessed the luxury of the powerful and the tragic sight of the poor starving in the cold wind, and could not restrain his indignation, so he accused this injustice with poetry.
"The wine in Zhumen stinks, and the bones on the road freeze to death" is his immortal poem. Du Fu stayed in Chang 'an for ten years, and the An-Shi Rebellion broke out just after Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty gave him an official position.
Everyone in Chang 'an area has escaped. Du Fu's family, also squeezed into the ranks of refugees, suffered a lot, and finally found a village and settled down.
Just then, he heard the news of Tang Suzong's accession to the throne in Lingwu, and left home to find Su Zong. Unexpectedly, I met rebels on the way and was arrested in Chang 'an. Chang 'an has fallen into the hands of the rebels, who are burning and looting everywhere, and the palace houses are in flames.
Some officials in the Tang Dynasty surrendered, and some were sent to Luoyang by rebels. After Du Fu was arrested in Chang 'an, the rebel leader saw that he didn't look like a big official and let him go.
In the second year, Du Fu escaped from Chang 'an and found that Tang Suzong had gone to Fengxiang (now Fengxiang, Shaanxi Province), so he rushed to Fengxiang to see Su Zong. Du Fu was so poor at that time that he didn't even have a decent suit. He was wearing a ragged coat with bare elbows and a pair of old Ma Xie on his feet.
Tang Suzong expressed his appreciation for Du Fu's long journey to the imperial court and appointed him as the left gleaner. Zuo Shiyi is an exhorter.
Although Tang Suzong gave Du Fu the position, he didn't take his meaning seriously. Du Fu started the uprising in earnest. Soon after, Guǎn Fang, the prime minister, was dismissed by Tang Suzong. Du Fu thought that Gui Fang was very talented and should not be dismissed, so he went to court to remonstrate with Su Zong.
Gal, we have sinned against Sue, fortunately, someone said a good word in front of Tang Suzong, just let him go home. After Tang Jun recovered Chang 'an, Du Fu followed many officials back to Chang 'an.
Tang Suzong sent him to Huazhou (now Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province) to be a small official in charge of sacrifice and school work. Du Fu came to Iowa with frustration.
At that time, Chang 'an and Luoyang were recaptured by loyalists, but the Anshi Rebellion was not eliminated and the war was still fierce. Tang Jun has recruited able-bodied men everywhere to supplement troops, and the people can't live.
One day, Du Fu passed Shihao Village (in the southeast of Shaanxi County, Henan Province), and it was very late. He went to a poor family for the night and was received by the old farmer and his wife.
In the middle of the night, when he was tossing and turning, there was a sudden knock at the door. Du Fu listened quietly in the room, only to hear the old man next door climb over the back wall and escape. The old lady answered the door at the same time.
Officials sent by the government to arrest able-bodied men entered the house. They screamed and asked the old woman, "Where is your man?" The old woman cried and said, "My three children have all gone to Yecheng to fight. Two days ago, a son wrote that both brothers had died on the battlefield. There is only one daughter-in-law and one nursing grandson at home.
Who else do you want? "The old woman said many entreaties, but the police officers still refused to give up. The old woman had no choice but to be taken away by the officers and go to the barracks to work as a coolie for the soldiers.
At dawn, Du Fu went out and the old farmer was the only one to see him off. Du Fu was very upset when he saw this sad scene with his own eyes. He wrote this story into a poem called "The Stone Excavator".
When he was in Iowa, he wrote six such poems, which were collectively called "three officials and three parting" (Shi Haoguan, Tongguan official, Xin 'an official, newly married, resigned, homeless). Because most of Du Fu's poems describe the sufferings of the people in the An Shi Rebellion and reflect the process from prosperity to decline in the Tang Dynasty, people call his poems "the history of poetry".
The following year, he resigned from his office in Iowa. Then, there was a drought in Guanzhong, and Du Fu was so poor that he took his family into exile in Chengdu. With the help of friends, he built a thatched cottage near Huanhuaxi in the western suburbs of Chengdu and lived in seclusion for nearly four years.
Later, because his friend died, he had no family in Chengdu, so he took his family into exile in the East. In 770 AD, he died of poverty and illness on a boat in Xiangjiang River.
After his death, people kept his residence in Chengdu in memory of this great poet. This is the famous "Du Fu Caotang".
8. The translation of Du Fu's "The Book of the New Tang Dynasty"
Take the Jinshi, miss the first place, and get stuck in Chang 'an. In the thirteenth year of Tianbao, he wrote three poems that surprised the emperor and included them in the collection of sages.
On the number of tributes, he claimed to be Tao because of his high position, saying, "I forgive my predecessors, and I have been a Confucian official for the eleventh time since then, judging words and essays to show the Han Sect." Minister Lai Xuye resigned at the age of seven and served for forty years.
However, clothes can't cover your body, and you often send people meals. I was afraid that I would turn to death, but I was pitied by the emperor.
If the story of the first minister is held and smeared for a long time, then the story of the minister is not enough to advocate the Six Classics, and the sages will hear it first until they are depressed and sensitive at any time. Yang Xiong and Gomez can reach it. With such a minister, your majesty will bear it! "Lushan mountain chaos, the son of heaven into shu, to avoid sanchuan.
Sue, since she left Zhangzhou, wanted to run away and was earned by thieves. In the second year in Germany, he died in Yu Fengxiang, went to court, and worshipped Zuo to pick up the body.
He made friends with Fang Guan, but when he was defeated, he chose Dong Weicheng. I just wrote a letter saying that it is not appropriate to avoid the minister.
The emperor was angry and asked the third division to ask questions. Prime Minister Zhang Gao said, "If you just make amends, you will make a slip of the tongue."
The emperor is the solution. Just after thanking him, he said, "You are the Prime Minister, don't make your own decisions. You are an honest Confucian with the physique of a minister.
Speaking of Yan Xu, he is worthy of public assistance, and His Majesty agrees with him. Looking at it, he is deeply worried about the main concern and is interested in color, but naturally he is lost in simplicity and indifferent to drums. He is poor and ill, and it's all because of this.
Cherish human feelings and defile them. I lament that his fame and ambition were frustrated (nǜ), and your majesty abandoned details and records, so he risked his life to say that he was involved in Jie, which violated the sacred heart.
Your majesty forgives my death and gives me bones. I am not alone, which is a blessing in the world. "But the emperor is not very province.
From returning to the capital, he joined the army for Huazhou Sigong. Guan Fu is hungry, so he needs to give up his official position.
Guest in Qin Zhou, self-sufficient by picking oak chestnuts with a negative salary. Living in Chengdu, West Guo Jiannan, building a house.
Call up Zhao Jing Gongcao to join the army. Yanwu's sword depends on how.
Wu Zaishuai Jiannan, whose real name is Yuan Wailang, is a staff officer and proofreader. Wu is dead, and when it is chaotic, it is between catalpa and osmium.
During the Lunar New Year, I went out to Qutang, went down to Jiangling, and went back to Yuanxiang to climb Hengshan Mountain, because I was in Leiyang. Died overnight at the age of 59.
Let go without self-examination, talk about world affairs, and be high without cutting. A few messy smells are quite innocent.
For poetry, I feel powerless when I am injured, and I won't forget you. People pity my loyalty.
9. What are Du Fu's allusions and his great name Du Fu (7 12-770), which is beautiful in word, and he calls himself a young man and an old man at night, and is called Du Gongbu and Du Shaoling. He is a great realistic poet in Gongyi, Henan Province. Du Fu is regarded as a "poet saint" by the world, and his poems are called "the history of poetry".
Du Fu and Li Bai are called "Du Li" together. In order to distinguish them from the other two poets Li Shangyin and Du Mu, that is, "Little Du Li", Du Fu and Li Bai are also called "Big Du Li". Du Fu wrote more than 1500 poems in his life, many of which are famous works that have been handed down from generation to generation, such as Three Officials, Three Farewells and Du Gongbu Collection. Among them, the "three officials" are Shi Haoguan, Xin 'an official and Tongguan official, and the "three farewell" are newly married, homeless and resigned.
The banks of the Yellow River were recaptured by the imperial army. Wang Chun, Jue Ju and Wang Yue once climbed to the top of the mountain to peek. At a glance, they saw that other mountains were short in the sky. ..
"Looking at Yue" broke thousands of books, writing like a god. Wei Zuocheng's Twenty-two Rhymes is based on the bow and the sword.
Shooters should shoot horses, and leaders should catch their leaders. "The prequel to the Nine Chapters" The wine in Zhumen stinks and there are frozen bones on the road.
"From Beijing to Fengxian, 500 words", the petals here have been like tears, and the lonely bird has sung grief. The Hope of Spring After three months of war, a letter from home is worth a ton of gold.
"Spring Hope" is a good scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, and you will meet your husband when the flowers fall. When I met Li Guinian by the river, the leaves fell like the spray of a waterfall, while I watched the long river roll forward.
Climbing to the top of the mountain, the stars descend from the open space, and the bright moon goes upstream. Be loyal to your art, you don't know your age, and let wealth and fame drift like clouds.
Two orioles sing green willows, and a row of egrets go up to the sky. "Four quatrains (the third)" has beautiful mountains and rivers and fragrant flowers in the spring breeze.
Two quatrains (the first part) sang my songs loudly and drank my wine. On a green spring day, I began to go home. "The two banks of the Yellow River were recaptured by the imperial army". Two Cao's names were destroyed, and the rivers and mountains were not wasted.
"Play is a poem of six quatrains" has vast buildings, which greatly protects the poor in the world and makes them happy. The hut was broken by the autumn wind. Fish came out in the drizzle and swallows were slanting in the breeze.
The threshold of two hearts (I) sneaked into the night with the wind, moistening things silently. "Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night" My road is covered with petals-I haven't cleaned it for others, and my thatched cottage door has been closed-but it's open for you now.
Hakkas, the grassy steps in spring, the birds chirping happily under the leaves. "Shuxiang" died before he could conquer it, and he was so long that the hero burst into tears.
Shuxiang, he knows that the dew will be frost tonight, and how bright the moonlight at home is! . Think of my brothers in the moonlight night. Our capital is full of nosy people, and you are lonely, helpless and poor.
In Li Bai's two dreams, all he can see is the smile of his new love, while the cry of his old love is unheard of. Beauty.