From the 8th century to 1 1 century, it is called "Viking period". At that time, countries such as Britain and France inherited a long and harmonious civilization. Vikings brutally invaded and robbed each other, and a long and cruel war broke out between them. However, the vikings won more and lost less. Vikings can be found everywhere from Ireland to Britain, from France to Eastern Europe. Vikings even crossed the Pacific Ocean to North America and plundered the local Indians. Vikings mainly stole livestock and grain, and never let go of any valuable treasure. They attacked quickly, succeeded and left quickly. Residents in the vicinity suffered greatly, and they regarded Viking as barbarians and cold-blooded fighters.
In 789 AD, a group of Vikings looted Dorset, and England has been harassed ever since. During Alfred the Great's reign in Wessex, he reached an agreement with the main Viking tribes to allow them to settle in the northeast of England. The peace was short and fragile. In 865 AD, a large number of Danish troops invaded Britain and have been controlling most of Britain for two centuries. In 9 1 1 year, the king of France made the Viking leader of Normandy a duke, and established the principality of Normandy. There were numerous war emperors, and European countries suffered greatly.
The Viking social system included three classes: nobles, freemen and slaves. Power is in the hands of nobles, but nobles and freemen meet regularly to decide various major events of the tribe. Vikings are strong warriors. Because of their small number, they had to rely on careful planning and surprise attack. In the battle, they showed unusual enthusiasm and were not afraid of death, so people turned pale when they talked about pirates. Boys have to receive combat training since childhood. They killed the enemy or died in the war. It is a shame for a family to jump into the sea and flee. Such a man is still alive, but he is still dead. Anger made the vikings look powerful and terrible. This kind of soldier is called Berserker. They were the most powerful army in Europe at that time because of their high martial arts and killing people without blinking an eye!
Vikings like to listen to stories and poems. For a long time, they recorded history in this way. Professional artists or bards travel around and attend festivals three times a year, as well as weddings and banquets. Usually this way will spread the hero's story to all tribes. Vikings believed in many gods and created Odin protoss. These gods all live in a place called Asgard. Vikings believed that the souls of soldiers who died gloriously would fly to Asgard after their death! If you are born a soldier and die in bed, you only deserve to go to hell.
Vikings believed that people died just to travel to another world, so many funerary objects were piled up in the graves of the dead for them to offer flowers on the way. If a king or a great hero dies, they will use it to bury the battleship of the deceased. This is the famous "pirate funeral". Viking marriage was very free. After marriage, the woman keeps the money before marriage and takes care of the land at home when her husband is away.
Vikings believed that Sol, their god, once disguised as a woman to deceive giants. The giant stole his hammer. Saul tried to trick his hammer back. Surprisingly, he succeeded in getting his hammer back. The vikings believed that the vikings who died in the war would go to Viking paradise after their death, where there were saunas, wine, feasts and all the beautiful things. Vikings who died outside the war will be exiled to Viking hell. They will be locked in a cold and biting space, chained all over, and will not eat or drink (except goat urine). Venom will drip on their heads every second.