When Paul and Silas were suffering in Philippi prison. 34], I must have thought of the 30th. They were put in prison, humiliated and arrested. They were deprived of their rights and interests. They were beaten with sticks and their bodies were in great pain. But they began to sing praises to God. The concert opened the prison, but the jailer was saved. When you find yourself sinking, you should start singing.
Respect god. When I am injured, I have a tendency to appreciate myself. I thought no one had ever felt the same way as me. No one has experienced my experience. But David said, "I don't want this. I want to respect God. 」
Thank god. Everyone will thank you when everything goes well. If the sun shines, anyone will be grateful. However, if you get stuck in the mud, it's hard to thank God. But we have to do this.
When you are sinking, here are three secrets that can help you to be happy: praise your name, seek to respect it, and thank you sincerely.
Are you overwhelmed by the environment? Believe in God and follow the secrets he gives. He will make you happy.