An English introduction to African American culture

The beginning in 1964 black literary arts movement was in the blackAmerican history a new Renaissance, was the American black rightmovement (Black Power Movement) specifically manifested, its scale and the influence has surpassed for the 20's "the Kazak Lai "Renaissance". This movement is for the purpose of changing the blackin US'S situation and the status, the black literary artist is for the purpose of changing black's in literary arts image, reflects the60's blacks' new spirit. Because in the black writer mind readermainly is a black, therefore they even more sedulously develop therace the culture, the history and the community tradition. With, this time black literary criticism which this is corresponding also advocated "the widespread artistic standard and the race fusion poemstudy, got rid of the source to be able to be suitable for to theCaucasian culture unified criticism standard to elaborate and toappraise the black literary arts the concept" (the note: Cheng Xilin"one kind newly rises theory criticism: Black American esthetics","Foreign Literature", in 1993 6th issue. ). They emphasize the distinctive quality, namely "black" (Blackness) of the black literary arts; one kind of black esthetics. As the black esthetics centercategory "the black" is black race consciousness, becomes weighs theblack American literature the ontology. The black esthetics criticpersisted thought any literary criticism had all reflected one kind ofspecific cultural standard, does not have the universality , therefore in the black esthetic standard emphasized "the black" is very important.

Black esthetics provided has established independent and the coherentblack literary criticism words possibility, the black literarycriticism words tries hard to inquire is the black American cultureroot, the subject, the structure, the terminology and the symbolicmark. The Arab League Miri Pakistan Amiri Baraka believed that, the nationalism ideal is restores in Europe colonizes theAfrican culture key which time loses, proposed "the black isbeautiful" the slogan, and summoned the black writer as intermediarydisplays this esthetics principle take the literary arts, evaluatesthe black literature from the society and the political value thesignificance. They through "Liberation", "Black Poetry Monthlypublication", "Black Digest" (in 1970 changed the name as "BlackWorld ") and so on the magazine guide the black populace from the spiritual culture, let them realize to the European esthetics valuesthe hegemonism tendency and its to the black American culture negative influence which displayed in the culture area of ??knowledge.

A this time black literary criticism remarkable characteristic lies in the criticism theory and the method diversification: From the early Jones's phenomenon scientific theory or principle to Neil's mythcriticism, criticizes from the fuller society to Henderson's historical esthetics practice, criticizes from the geyl morals to later period Jones's cultural criticism and so on. In 1967, Grammar Major published "Black Standard", hereafter black estheticspassed through Hoyt the fuller (Hoyt W.Fuller), lary Neil (LarryNeal), Stephen Henderson (Stephen Henderson), Addison the geyl(Addison Gayle Jr.) Rung Huiqin 陈思ú comments family's endeavor,became one kind of amazing theoretical landscape. in 1968, the fullerpublishes "Moved towards Black Esthetics" an article, explicitly related the black esthetics with the black right movement. In order toobtain the black society interior the unity and the strength, the black nationality must retrieve and venerate root of the oneselfunique culture, needed one kind to get rid of the Caucasian racismculture value idea influence "the mystical black". In 1968, Neil has published the well- known paper "Black Literary arts Movement", commented the black artist to be separated from the Caucasianmainstream art pattern and the development take the African culturetradition as foundation creation pattern all sorts of attempts,attempted the black esthetics which oned the rise to set to in onekind of artistic ceremony theory. He believed that, the genuine blackart fountainhead is the community music and the oral folk tale, the new art must change these fountainheads, into the contemporary blacklives an inalienable part.