When Emperor Yan was still in charge of the world, Xingtian was the minister under Emperor Yan. He loved songs all his life. He wrote music "Liv" and poetry "Harvest" for Emperor Yan, with the total name "Bumou" to praise the happy life of the people at that time.
Later, Emperor Yan was defeated by the Yellow Emperor in the Battle of Hanquan, but his sons and subordinates were not convinced. When Chiyou rebelled against the Yellow Emperor, Xingtian tried to wage war against the Yellow Emperor, but Yan Di resolutely stopped him. Chiyou and Huangdi lost the first world war, and Chiyou was killed. Xingtian could no longer hold back his anger, secretly left Nantianzong and went straight to Zhongtianzong to compete with Huangdi.
Xingtian went straight to The Yellow Emperor's Palace with a bronze square shield in his left hand and an axe in his right. The Yellow Emperor was furious when he saw that Xingtian was killed. He picked up his sword and fought with Xingtian. Two people from the palace to the palace, from heaven to earth, straight to Yangshan.
The Yellow Emperor is a veteran of war. He took advantage of Xingtian's unguarded time and slashed his sword at Xingtian's neck. Xingtian was at a loss and his head was cut off. Xingtian's head fell to the ground and rolled down the slope to the foot of Changyang Mountain. Xingtian, who was beheaded, crouched down to find his head. Because he lost his eyes, he didn't see the head at the foot of Yangshan where he was.
The Yellow Emperor was worried that Xingtian would return to its original shape when he found his head, so he picked up his sword and cut it at Changyangshan. With a loud noise, Changyangshan was split in half, and Xingtian's huge head rolled into the valley. Then, the two halves of the mountain merged into one, and Xingtian's head was buried.
Xingtian felt the changes around him and knew that the Yellow Emperor had buried his head on the mountainside, but he was not discouraged. He stood up, still holding an axe in his right hand and a shield in his left, waving wildly in the sky. The starry sky that fell into the dark abyss was furious. He took two nipples as his eyes and opened his navel as his mouth, and continued to fight with the Yellow Emperor.
Although Xingtian failed, his never-say-die spirit will always inspire future generations. Tao Yuanming, a great poet in Jin Dynasty, wrote a poem praising the spirit of rejuvenating farmland. The poem says, "Xingtian dances harmoniously, aiming at the constant."