What is the source of joy in adversity?

Romans 5:3 Not only so, but he also rejoices in his tribulations. For we know that adversity produces perseverance,

Romans 5:4 Perseverance produces experience, and experience produces hope;

Romans 5:5 Hope does not put you to shame. Because the Holy Spirit who has been given to us pours God’s love into our hearts.

"Adversity" means pressure and oppression; "生" produces effects, makes things happen, and causes them.

The word "tribulation" was originally used for pressing olives to obtain olive oil, or pressing grapes to obtain grape juice or wine.

"Patience produces sophistication." The original word "sophistication" refers to the state of metal without impurities after being refined. Therefore, it refers to the purity, beauty, strength and other mature qualities produced by people after being refined by God. character.

"Experience breeds hope." The original text of "hope" here is the same as the word "hope" in the second verse; the hope that believers finally have after experiencing tribulations is not an illusory fantasy, but a reliable and reliable one. This assurance is the love of God poured out in our hearts.

“Hope does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

“Pour out” (pour out), pour out.

“Hope does not put you to shame.” “Shame” means being shamed by failed hope. The "hope" of believers is not a kind of unfounded optimism, but a kind of certainty gained from our experience of God. The love of God we experience in suffering becomes the reason for the hope in our hearts, making us certain that everything we trust will His people will not be put to shame.

“Because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Since believers are justified by faith, they receive the Holy Spirit as the evidence of our inheritance. This Holy Spirit not only guides us into all spiritual realities and gives us a taste of God’s riches, but also pours out God’s love so that it overflows in our hearts. "Water" is a perfect verb in the original text, expressing the current state caused by actions that occurred in the past.

The meaning of this section is that the indwelling Holy Spirit enables our hearts to fully understand and understand God’s love for us, so we are convinced that our hope will never be shameful.

For first-century believers, enduring suffering was “commonplace.” Paul tells us that believers must go through many difficulties in order to grow. Rejoicing in adversity is not because we like pain, but because we know that God uses various difficulties and Satan's attacks to build our character and cultivate a persevering mind, making us stronger and more trusting in God, and also making us optimistic about the future. More hope. You may also have to endure different trials every day. This is your opportunity to grow. Thank God and rely on His strength to overcome these difficulties.

May God bless you