1 (high) 6 5 6
Jump! Step! Jump!
4 .5 4 3
Draw! Drew. Got it!
1 (high) 6 5 6
Chip! Syrup! Whip!
4 4 4 /5 3/
Ideal self
1 1 2-3 1 6- (low) 16 (bass) 7 (bass) 1-2 1.
Cool, strong and fashionable
6 (bass)11121212/3/
Although it is handsome.
5 .5 5 5 4 3 /2 3/ 1
Actually, it's not like this.
6 (bass) 4-3 1-7 (bass) 1 2 1-
I am just an ordinary girl.
1 3 5 6 - 3 2 1 - 2 1 2 3 3
I can't get rid of the pressure.
5 6 6 6 7 1 (treble) 7 6 5 .3 6
I really want to tell the truth
3 4 5 6 6 7 -
Even if some people say
6 567 7 1- (treble)
Be out of character with sb.
7 1- (treble) 6 5 4 5 6 7
Take my heart.
1- (treble) 7
Open it.
6 67 1- (treble) 6-2 (treble) 1 (treble) 7 5 .3 5 6
Be who you want to be.
1 (treble) 1 (treble) 1 (treble) 2 (treble) 1 (treble) 76576-
The guardian sweetheart is around.
6 6 7 1 (treble) 6 2 (treble) 1 (treble) 7 5 3 5 6
Do what you want.
6 1 (treble) 1 (treble) 6 2 (treble) 1 (treble) 7
No problem at all, no problem
Repeat from "be the person you want to be" to "completely OK, no problem" 1 time
6 - 5 -
of course
1 (treble) 6 5 6
Jump! Step! Jump!
4 5 4 3
Drew. Draw! Got it!
1 (treble) 6 5 6
Chip! Syrup! Whip!
4 4 4 5 3
Ideal self
Roman characters
Step by step
Draw, draw, draw
Potato chip syrup whipping
Ipa arumont
Step by step
Draw, draw, draw
Potato chip syrup whipping
ku-rude tsuyoku te kakko ii ikete ruto iware teitemo
I think you will like it.
I know that, too.
kyara jyanai toka iwaretatte atashi no kokoro anronku!
Naritai Youni Naribay Jain Saugo
Uni yaritai yarebai Ijyan zenokke-dashi
Narita youni
Youni Aritai Jain Nanda Tate de Kiruyo
Do you dare to say that this is your fault?
Within a day, you can see my figure.
kokorono nakani Aru tamago minna motte ru hazu dakara
Marumo Bazumo's game is over!
Yoni Ikebukuro jyan shinppai shinaku teii
tamaniwa sukoshi sabori yaii jyan gan Bari sugi naide
Uni Iqbal
Chishang Shinjiro
Naritai Youni Naribay Jain Saugo
Uni yaritai yarebai Ijyan zenokke-dashi
Narita youni
Yuni Jew
Step by step
Draw, draw, draw
Potato chip syrup whipping
Ipa arumont
Step by step
Draw, draw, draw
Potato chip syrup whipping