My flower of the day dropped its pets forgotten. In the
even it tears into a golden fruit of memory.
Flowers in the daytime.
The forgotten petals were returned
At dusk
They ripened into an unforgettable fruit
Jin Huang Cancan
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo translated my daytime flower and dropped its forgotten petals.
in the evening, this flower ripens into a golden fruit of memory.
Tagore's short poem KJV Birds 182
I am like the road in the night listening to the foot falls
of its memories in silence.
I am like the road at night
quietly listening to
the unforgettable footsteps
Zheng Zhenduo.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 183
The even sky to me is like a window, and a lighted lamp,
and a waiting behind it.
The evening sky
is like
a window
a lamp
and an infinite expectation behind the lamp
The evening sky, in my opinion, is like a window, a lamp and a waiting behind the lamp.
Tagore's short poem new translation "Birds" 184
He Who is too busy doing good finds no time to be
Too busy doing good to help the poor
Too busy to be a perfect person
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation is too eager to do good, but he can't find time to be a good person.
Tagore's short poem KJV "Birds" 185
I am the autumn cloud, empty of rain, see my fullness in the
field of ripened rice.
Autumn clouds have emptied rain sacs
The fields are full of fragrant rice
I am autumn clouds, empty.
Tagore's short poem "Birds" 186
They were killed and killed and men were slaughtered. But God was in shame
Hastens to hide its memory under the green grass.
They hated
their slaughter
their fight for fame
. Hurriedly bury the atrocities seen by
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation: They are jealous, they kill, but people praise them.
However, God was ashamed and hastily buried his memory under the green grass.
Tagore's short poem new translation Birds 187
Toes are the fingers that have for saken their
Toes are fingers that have abandoned evolution
Zheng Zhenduo's original translation of toes is fingers that have abandoned their past.
Tagore's short poem new translation "Birds" 188
Darkness travels towards light, but blindness towards death.
Darkness towards light
Blindness towards death
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation is that darkness travels towards light, but the blind travel towards death.
Tagore's short poem KJV "Birds" 189
The pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its
The pet dog
suspects the universe
conspires to usurp it
The kennel shack
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 19
Sit still my heart, do not raise your dust. Let the world
Find its way to you.
Sit down
My heart
Don't worry about anything
Let heaven do it for you
let the world find its own way to you.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 191
191 The Bow Whispers to the Arrow Before It Speeds
Forth-"Your freedom is mine."
Whispering softly at the
"So is your freedom.
Tagore's short poem KJV "Birds" 192
Woman, in your laugher you have the music of the fountain
of life.
In your laughter
Music filled with the fountain of life
Woman, in your smile.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 193
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the
hand bled that uses it.
An overly rational mind
is like a knife with a full blade and no handle
It is hard for the user to bleed
Original translation by Mr. Zheng Zhenduo.
it makes the hands of those who use it bleed.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 194
God Loves Man's Lamplights Better Than His Own Great
God loves human lights
more than his own stars
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo originally translated that God loves human lights more than his own big stars.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 195
This world is the world of wild storms with the
music of beauty.
This world
is a world where beautiful music
surrenders to storms
The original translation by Mr. Zheng Zhenduo is a strong wind tamed by beautiful music.
Tagore's short poem KJV "Birds" 196
"My heart is like the golden bucket of thy kiss," said the
sunset cloud to the sun.
What does the sunset say to the sunset?
"My heart is like
a golden coffin that you kissed"
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo said to the sun, "My heart is like a golden chest after your kiss."
Tagore's short poem new translation "Birds" 197
By touching you may kill, by keeping away you may
may be confusing
There is a distance
Instead, it will get
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation contact. Stay away from it, and you may possess it.
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 198
The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me
through the dark, Like the rustle of dreams from my past
In the night,
crickets chirp
the rain is falling
just like a young past
coming to a dream
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation of the crickets chirp and the rain at night, from the darkness to my ears, as if I had passed away.
Tagore's short poem "Birds" 199
"I have lost my dewdrop, "Cries the flower to the morning
sky that has lost all its stars.
In the morning, the flowers cry to the sky where the stars are lost
" I have lost the dew "
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation of the flowers cries to the morning sky where the stars are all gone:" My dew point is all lost. "
Tagore's short poem translation "Birds" 2
The burning log bursts in flames and poems,-"This is my
flower, My death."
The burning wood
spits out flames
and cries
"This is my flower
My death"
Mr. Zheng Zhenduo's original translation of the burning wood block gave birth to flames and cried, "This is my flower, my death."
let the world find its own way to you.