How to divide English words into syllables:
The syllable is the basic unit of pronunciation. The pronunciation of any word is broken down into syllables and read aloud.
1. In English, the vowels (a e i o u*** five) are particularly loud. A vowel phoneme (phoneme is not a letter) can constitute a syllable, a vowel phoneme and one or several consonant phonemes. Combinations can also form a syllable. Generally speaking, vowel phonemes can form syllables, while consonant phonemes are not loud and cannot form syllables. However, there are four consonants [m], [n], [ng], and [l] in English consonant phonemes that are sonorants. They can also form syllables when combined with consonant phonemes. The syllables they form often appear at the end of words and are generally unstressed syllables.
2. English words have one syllable, two syllables, and multiple syllables. One syllable is called a monosyllabic word, two syllables is called a disyllabic word, and two or more syllables is called a polysyllabic word. For example: take? is a monosyllabic word; 'ta-ble table is a two-syllable word; po-'ta-to potato, po-pu-'la-tion population, con-gra-tu-'la-tion congratulations, te-le-com-mu-ni-'ca-tion telecommunications, etc. are polysyllabic words.
3. The core of syllables is vowels. Vowels can form syllables alone or together with consonants. The e at the end of take is not pronounced, so they are all monosyllabic words. Note, do not Confusing vowels and vowel letters. Syllables are divided according to vowels. If the vowel letters are silent, they cannot form a syllable. If there are two vowel letters together, but only one vowel is pronounced. , still counts as one syllable.
4. Each vowel phoneme can form a syllable, such as bed, bet. Two vowel phonemes can form a syllable, such as: seat (seat), beat (beat), beaut (beau'ty). When there is a consonant phoneme between two vowel phonemes, the consonant phoneme is returned to the next syllable, such as: stu'dent student, la'bour labor, fa'ther father, tea'cher teacher (th and ch are letter combinations, th is pronounced /θ/ or /?/, ch pronounces /t?/). When there are two consonant phonemes, one consonant phoneme is assigned to the previous syllable and the other is assigned to the following syllable, such as: win'ter winter Oc'tober October Sep'tember September.
Extended information:
The syllable is the most natural structural unit in speech. To be precise, syllable is the smallest unit of phonetic structure composed of phoneme combinations. It is composed of three parts: head, abdomen and tail, so there are obvious perceptible boundaries between syllables. In Chinese, generally the pronunciation of a Chinese character is one syllable. The commonly used basic atonal syllables in Mandarin are 400, and the number of tonal syllables (excluding soft tones) is more than 1,300.
Syllables are not the same as musical measures. Many people confuse them and they should be distinguished.
Syllables can be divided into stressed syllables and unstressed syllables according to stress.
Stressed syllable: refers to a syllable with a particularly loud pronunciation in a two- or multi-syllable word, which is called a stressed syllable. It is marked with the accent symbol "`" in the corresponding position. The other syllables are unstressed syllables, such as begin [bi'gin]. Single-syllable words are stressed, but no accent marks are marked.
The stressed closed syllable in English means that the so-called vowel letter does not pronounce its own letter sound. The stressed closed syllable means that in a syllable, with For syllables that end in a consonant phoneme and are on a stressed syllable, such as apple, the delineated syllable should be ap/ple. The previous ap is a syllable that ends with the consonant element p, which is a closed syllable.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - Syllables