What are the poems related to gentlemen that express the character of a gentleman?

1. When the sky is moving, a gentleman will constantly strive to improve himself.

2. A humble gentleman is as gentle as jade.

3. A gentleman can be deceived in various ways.


4. Confucius said: "The gentleman seeks the way but not the food. Plowing is where discouragement lies; learning is where the salary lies. The gentleman is concerned about the way but not about poverty."

5. Gentlemen are gentlemen, and then they are gentlemen

6. A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with.

7. Gentlemen are harmonious but different, villains are harmonious but not harmonious (as Confucius said)

8. The Book of Songs·A gentleman is in service. A gentleman is in service, but he does not know the time. It's the end of the day. The chickens are roosting in the pond. At the end of the day, the sheep and cattle come down. When a gentleman is engaged in service, why should he not think about it? When a gentleman is engaged in service, neither the sun nor the moon will exist. There are 丷 in He. Chickens roost in Jie. At dusk, the sheep and oxen are spread out. A gentleman is engaged in service, but he is not hungry or thirsty?

9. Heaven is moving vigorously, and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement.

The terrain is uneven, and a gentleman carries his wealth with kindness. 10. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried