How can I reach the peak of my life?
Find the steps you can climb first. If you can't find them, you will only be mediocre all your life. What you said has told me that you are just a fantasy for the time being, with no goal and no plan. In short, if you want to reach the peak of your life, you have to walk step by step, step by step. It is wishful thinking to reach the peak of life. Even if there is a gold ingot in the sky, it will hit the head first. How you define the peak is up to you. Everyone has different standards for success. If you want to reach the peak of your life, for example, take a mountain peak. I need to know which mountain I want to climb before I look for it. Then I reached the foot of the mountain. If I want to reach the top, I must climb it step by step. Maybe I can run in the middle, but I can't cross it to a great extent after all, because I can only cross such a small distance in one step. You must first define your life goals, plan what you want to do, and then do what you want to do well little by little, so that you will really reach the peak one day and you will stand firmly at the peak. Take your sentence as an example. Your idea is a reason, mediocrity is a process, and the peak is a result. You must understand this analogy. Sooner or later, you will stand at the peak of your life and shout, ". . . "