This word was written in the fifth year of Jin Zhangzong Taihe (1205), when Yuan Haowen was only sixteen years old. On the way to Bingzhou (now Taiyuan, Shanxi) to catch the exam, a wild goose was double-crossed, which deeply touched him. He bought a goose and buried it next to the water, and wrote this word. Later, it was revised according to the tone of [fishing]. The lyrics highly praised the value of goose double suicide and wrote an ode to faithful love.
When E Chou 18 years old went to try Bingzhou, he said to the goose catcher, "I got a goose today and I'm going to kill it. The person who broke the net lamented that he couldn't go, but he jumped underground and died. " Because of it, I bought it and buried it by the Fenshui River, which made me feel tired, so I called it Qiu Yan. At that time, most of my peers were chanting poems, and there were also "Qiu Yan Ci". There was no palace service in the old work, but now it has been rewritten.
Hate the world, what is love, teach life and death. Flying in all directions, the old wings have been hot and cold several times. Happy fun, the pain of parting, is a relatively stupid child in school. You should say something. Wan Liyun, Qian Shan sunset snow, only for whom?
Cross grave road, lonely flute and drum. The smoke is still flat. What's the point of evocation? Shan Gui wept for the wind and rain. The sky is also jealous. If you don't believe me, birds and swallows are all loess. The times will last forever. In order to leave it to the poet, I sang and drank and visited Qiu Yan.
Hating the world, what is love, teaching life and death-
The life and death of the goose deeply shocked the author. He turned his shock, sympathy and moving into powerful questioning, asking himself, asking people who came out and asking heaven, what is "love"? A sudden question seemed thunderous and full of surprises; Like boiling magma, spewing out. As Tang Xianzu later said in the "Peony Pavilion Inscription": "Where love comes, life can die, death can be resurrected, life can't die, and death can't live, it's not love." Love to the extreme and have the power to bring back the dead. What is love? As for committing to life and death? The author's questioning aroused the readers' deep thinking, and triggered a warm eulogy of the true feelings of life and death on earth. Adding the word "direct education" before "life and death" further highlights the extraordinary power of "love". Words begin with questions and suddenly play a leading role, just like bending a bow with a horse, which enriches the following description of the double suicide of geese and sublimates the internal meaning of double suicide of geese.
Flying in all directions, the old wings are hot and cold several times-
These two sentences describe the touching life scene of the goose. Wild geese go to the south for winter in autumn, return to the north in spring and fly in pairs. The author calls them "flying together", which endows their flying and me with the ideal color of love between husband and wife in the world. "All over the world" starts from space, and "several cold summers" starts from time. With a high degree of artistic summary, the life course of geese living in groups and caring for each other was written, which made the necessary foreshadowing for the subsequent double suicide.
The joy of happiness, the pain of parting, is China's more stupid child-
Yes, China people: Here, here. These words mean that the geese have lived together for a long time, which is not only the joy of reunion, but also the sadness of parting, and has formed a deep affection that is hard to give up in ordinary life. For a long time, this pair of "flying together" has long been soulmate, infatuated with each other and determined. The word "spoony child" contains the poet's sadness and sympathy, and also reminds people that there are many spoony men and women who really love each other in the world.